Chapter 18: Martial Arts Tournament

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Just so you know, Goki is revived after she was blown up. The more you know.


Y/N Pov

Years have passed since Cell's extintion. Gohan went to high school and became a hero known as The Great Saiyaman, Krillin married 18, Vegeta's and Bulma's daughter Trunksa grew up. There is also a new addition to the family, Goten. He is my and Goki's son. I kind of didn't have a choice....but whatever.


I was training in the park when suddenly Goki landed near me. I noticed that her face was covered in a shadow.

Y/N: Hey Goki, how are ya doing?

She didn't respond, instead she gave a toothy smile. Her head lifted up showing her eyes with small hearts in them. 

Goki: How I am doing? More like, what I am about to do~.

She said taking a step forward swaying her hips. Her cheeks grew a visible blush. 

Y/N: What are y-

My eyes widened at the realisation. On the lookout she promised me a 'reward'  and something is telling me that this is it. She grabed me by the face and caressed my cheek.

Y/N: Um.....Goki, please control your hormo-

I was cut off by lips slaming onto mine. The impact made me fall to the ground making a loud thud. It was a very passionate kiss which made me kiss back. After we departed she teleported us on our bed.

Goki: Lets have some fun~.

(Flashback End)

So yeah that is how Goten was born. Anyways I had no progress on that transformation and no visions since, but I kept on training. There is also a Martial Arts tournament where Goten is going to be participating. Even Trunksa will be there too. They will probably demolish everyone because of their strength tho. 

Gohan: Dad the tournament is about to start!

Y/N: Coming!

We are currently sitting in the crowd. Everyone was here, even the whole town. The tournament arena looked like a classic. You can only win by knock out or make the opponent fall away from the arena. I always remembered how I fought my friends in these tournaments. It was fun. But I can't now, I am too strong!

Announcer: In the first match Goten will be fighting Ekosa

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Announcer: In the first match Goten will be fighting Ekosa.

Goten walked to the arena looking excited. He was wearing the orange Gi me and Goki made for him for his birthday. I smiled at his positivity spreading like a plague. I was truly proud to be his father.

Earthling And A Saiyan (Male Reader x Goki)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora