Chapter 13

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Author's Note:

I am honestly so thankful that people actually ENJOY my writing. It's a little strange how I write for the heck of it but people seem to enjoy my unprepared and totally spontaneous writing. If you didn't know this before I am kind of winging the story so I'm just as curious to see what happens as you guys are. haha hopefully my random fact about this particular story doesn't make you want to stop reading. Oh and please comment and vote ! P.S this is the cutest song ever ! P.P.S when Carter says 'Lyons' he's talking about Aiden if you read the cast you'll see that's his last name.

Song: Gone - Kina Grannis 


Carter's POV

I stayed up all night this was getting ridiculous. I did everything right ! I bet it's that moron Lyons why is she so obsessed with him? I have everything he does and more. I remained in my bed with messy hair and wearing only my boxers.  I sat up and stretched. Before I knew what I was doing I got dressed and headed to the hospital to visit him. Everything seemed so damn pointless, it was stupid how I would only get to see Anthea once a week now that we finished our dance lessons. A whole week of sheer wonderful, I thought bitterly. 

I decided instead of calling the help I would go by myself so I jumped into the first car I saw in the garage - I had too many to have to choose one today- and started it. I liked the leather interior of my new 2013 Chevy Camaro ZL1 but I was never really into cars. This one was a present from my dad it was his way of him saying sorry that he couldn't make it to my University Tour. Never had he been proud of my accomplishments, and despite what people say about rich folk, I was intelligent. A jerk? Yes. Spoiled? Yes. But an idiot? No way. Getting into the private prestigious University without help was a big deal for me. My dad figures that he could have bought his way in it for me anyways so to him it's nothing special. 

When I arrived I was furious, and I wanted to give him a piece of my mind. I went to receptionist's desk and got his room number. I walked straight in and found a familiar girl making out with him. Lyons saw me and roughly broke the kiss and sat up straight. He started to stutter and that meant more than words could say. I recognized the girl from our dance lessons she was Lyon's partner.

"L-Look it's not what it's looks like." He said it unconvincingly. 

"Well it looked like you were making out with some hoe that isn't Thea!" The girl quickly scurried out of the room sensing a heated argument. "I wonder what she'll say when she figured out you're a heartless dick after all" I smirked. "Oh and look I have her on speed dial." I was purposely toying with him. 

"NO! She still thinks I'm unconscious you can't do that! I was going to tell her today when Rachel came to visit and -and it was all a mistake!" He was panicking now. I didn't seem to understand why he was so determined not to lose Anthea. 

"Hmmm I don't know.. I mean as friends I'm obliged to keep her happy." I nonchantly played with the my Iphone's touch screens keys. 

"Since when were you two friends? She couldn't stand you or your cocky attitude. You think you're better for her than me?" he scoffed. "Think again she hates you, and when you tell her who do you think she's gonna believe me or you?" He was far past getting under my skin, if we weren't in the hospital I would have choked him but Anthea would only hate me. Something about what he said really got to me I was furious. Not that I showed it of course. So I came up with an idea she wouldn't believe me but she would believe him right..? 

I pulled out my phone and toyed with it making it look like a teasing gesture but really I was calling her. When she picked up I began my mental scheme.

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