Chapter 18

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Author's Note

Some day you'll meet someone who'll know every detail about you who takes time to read you just like a book someone who can finish your sentences and read your thoughts just by looking at your face. That one person will know what you look like when you're not dressed up or looking your best but he/she will love you anyways. That one person is walking on this earth right now and you may not meet them until tomorrow or the next day or the next but this thought alone should give you hope. 

Song: Today Was A Fairy Tale - Taylor Swift


Anthea's POV

I don't remember if kissing Carter was a dream or if it actually happened. Surely I didn't imagine the intoxicating smell radiating off him or the way his lips fit mine like a puzzle piece.He had called me in the morning telling me to get ready and that he was taking me somewhere but I didn't know where he was taking me. Carter opens the door and I hop inside his car. He's driving today probably for privacy but he won't tell me where we are going even after I pleaded several times. Luna stayed at home watching movies and I'm getting blindly kidnapped by some gorgeous guy lovely. 

"What are you smiling about?" Carter asks bluntly. 

"Nothing," I say as I laugh some more to tease him.

"You know if there's some joke I'm missing it'd be nice to know" he looks at me through the corner of his eye. 

"Are we there yet ?" I say as I avoid his question. He grumbles something about women being so damn complicated.

"Not quite" he says amused. He seemed really smug and I wondered why. We were getting farther and farther from city limits. Now all I could see was trees and the sun tinging the skyline with purples and pinks. I heard the engine sputtering and suddenly the car stopped. 

"Uhhh Carter what's going on? " I said worried. 

"Nothing love just sit back and give me a second"  he gave me a million dollar smile only he could pull off and I helplessly smiled back. 

"Whatever you say." 

Carter's POV

Godammit not today of all days ! I knew I should have had the oil changed. How was I supposed to give Anthea the best day of the summer if we were stuck in the middle of nowhere? I paced outside the car while Anthea rested her head against the seat with her eyes closed. I tugged at my hair in frustration. Why I didn't I bring my cellophone ? God I'm such an idiot. Yea sure I wouldn't get interrupted by phone calls every 5 seconds but at least I would have someone to call in case of an emergency. I gathered up what was left of my wits and peered in through Anthea's window. I knocked on the glass. I hope I hid the panic I felt I had never been in a situation like this. 

"Anthea? Would you perhaps have your cellphone on you?" I asked still with a plastered smile on my face. She patted the pockets of her dress and shook her head. Ugh great Guess I'll just go with it. "That's fine because we are here," I lied. 

"Really ? This is it ?" she asked concerned.

"Not quite follow me," I opened her door and took her hand and began to aimlessly walk until I found a hill farther up ahead. The sun was close to setting and maybe we could see a car from up there. I've gone and ruined the whole night... perfect. We were still holding hands as we walked towards the hill. Half way up the hill Anthea began to whine.

"Carter I'm tired...Carter I can't walk any more... Carter where are you taking me" she groaned. I stopped and looked at her and gave her the death stare. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2014 ⏰

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