Chapter 7

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Author's Note

Life is like a journey, take the scenic route. I decided I'd go all deep on you guys today. ;) Anyways enough of my attempts to be social. I have a feeling you guys will like this chapter.

Song: Stuck On Stupid - Chris Brown



Carter's POV

Things were suddenly falling apart. I got up early (well early for me) to surprise Anthea once again, but when she finally arrived she came in with some lad. She wore the most profound look on her face, it was something I had never seen on her face before.

It awed me to look at simplify happy she looked, but at the same time it angered me knowing she wasn't directing that expression towards me. I tore my gaze from her painfully simple face. That's when I noticed their entwined hands. It's weird I didn't even know the lad's name to know how brutally I hated him.

"Good afternoon, Mr Malcolm let me introduce to you Aiden Lyons, he just joined our dance class. I'm guessing you already know Mr.Lyons Anthea?" Marcelo was trying to ease up the tangible tension in the air. 

"Yes, Aiden and I are actually dating we recently got back together." Anthea smiled warmly, oddly enough that was the opposite expression on my face. Just what I need another obstacle, I thought bitterly.

"Well enough small talk let's get kick this stuff off!" Marcelo clapped his hands. I was reaching out for Anthea when Aiden wrapped his arm around her waist and guided her across the dance floor. This guy was really getting on my nerves... That's when Marcelo saved my plan from going downhill.

"Actually Aiden, Anthea and Carter have been practicing a routine together and we don't have time start all over, the Gala is in just 3 days." I bitterly smiled at Aiden and towed Anthea away.


Anthea's POV

Carter was twirling me around, staring at me but all I could do was helplessly stare at Aiden holding a girl who wasn't me. The way she looked brought back a sense of déjà vu for some reason. Carter cleared his throat for the third time in that last half an hour. What does he want? I faced him for the first time that day, but he wasn't facing me this time. He was glaring at something on the other side of the room. I stealthily followed his gaze. His eyes were shooting daggers at Aiden. The cold expression on his face irritated me.

"What are you looking at ?I said to him. I had a defensive attitude towards Aiden, so easily he became my everything once again. Carter turned to face directly at me and just when I thought he'd insult me back, he surprised me. His eyes were like melted chocolate,embellished with long dark eyelashes. "Oh" I breathed shakily.

"Nothing but you ,love" he smiled and my knees went weak. He held me up in his hands and when I looked away. I feeled ashamed I hadn't done anything but being this close to Carter made me feel as though I was cheating on Aiden. " So, tell me have you been dating this Aiden for a while?" Something about the way he said my boyfriend's name didn't feel right. However I answered anyways more out of politeness than the interest of wanting to talk to him.

"Yea we've been together for 2 and a half years of course we had a few ups and downs but things are back on track." I was lost in my memories of Aiden. The first time I saw him during my stupid PE class while doing yoga he sat next to me everyday. I never noticed him but it seemed silly not to notice his gorgeous eyes. After that class I saw him,like really saw him and began to see him wherever I went. We had a dance module in PE and I wasn't a really good dancer to be honest but he was amazing he made me feel like a princess. I felt as though he saw right through me, I must admit he was quite a ladies man.

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