Chapter 12

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Author's Note:

What's crack-a-lackin homies ? Little too far ? LOL I'm having a strange day don't judge ! I am having such an amazing time writing this story and I hope you guys are too.I'm going old school with the song however I still love it(its not THAT old). So without further ado here's Chapter 12 <3 !

Song: Thinking Of You - Katy Perry


Anthea's POV

I woken up at 11 because I was honestly emotionally drained. What the hell was going on with my life? All I knew was that I was meeting Carter in an hour, Aiden was in the hospital and I would be seeing Emily today. Something about the way Carter was yesterday gave me butterflies. He seemed like he had a heart...almost. I never knew he was into kids, it didn't seem like him. Then again I didn't know Carter and judging him wouldn't help me get to know him. I decided while I was visiting Emily that we would be friends or at the least not kill each other. I looked slowly at the clock and it read 11:32. Oh Crap I can't be late! I rushed out of bed throwing the sheets off the other side and basically ran into the bathroom. I quickly combed my hair and threw it into a ponytail. I went to my closet and decided everything was too fancy for just lunch. Instead I went through the clothes I wore back home.

Heading out I grabbed my bag and keys. I walked onto the long driveway and checked my clock it was 12:02. I quickly took out my phone to call James but there was already a limo waiting for me. But how would James know I needed a ride...?

I walked up and opened the door inside was Carter. "Nice of you to join me" he said batting his eyes teasingly. I found myself already having a nice time.

"Sorry I totally lost track of time, besides you probably just got here!" I nudged him in the ribs jokingly.

"Actually I've been waiting for.." he checked his watch. "About 10 minutes." He smiled at me even though I felt guilty. It wasn't polite to keep someone waiting especially someone who's never on time. Suddenly I felt curious.

"I thought Mr.Malcolm was always fashionably late?" Curiously I peeked from the corner of my eye to see his reaction.

"Well I kind of figured that you don't like it when I'm late so I decided it would be a nice change to be early for once. However next you should hurry, maybe you won't be as lucky." He winked and I looked out the window trying not to cry. Aiden used to wink at me like that...I broke off from my train of thought and changed the subject.

"Uh huh and what if maybe I don't want to hurry?"I challenged.

"Then I'll wait for you. As long as you want me to." Something about the way he said it made me think he wasn't just talking about getting rides. His luring gaze tried to capture my attention but instead of focusing on him or replying I sat silently looking out the window. We arrived pretty quickly and I hoped no questions would be asked when we took Emily out for lunch. I didn't want her in trouble or ourselves for that matter. The last thing we needed was for someone to think we were kidnapping her. Carter and I walked out arriving at the front door and ringed the doorbell. Emily answered it.

"I thought you guys weren't going to show up, not that that would be a surprise" The pain she felt made my heart stop. I never wanted to see her unhappy.

"Sweet Pea I'm sorry I'm late it was my fault it won't happen again I promise" Carter held out his pinky and his gesture made me want to kiss him...Actually wait what was I thinking I'm in a relationship?! Emily held her small fragile finger and wrapped it around his.

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