The texting (part 2)

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Tall, dark and handsome: hey

Magnus: Hi.

Tall, dark and handsome: forgot about my nickname here...still weird

Magnus: I beg do differ

Tall, dark and handsome: Magnus, I have a question for you and you can say no if you want, but just hear me out

Magnus: Fine, ask away

Tall, dark and handsome: Would you come out on a date with me? I want to do this, but properly. I know you are confused and haven't forgiven me yet, but I still care about you. Deeply. And I want to make this right.

Magnus: Oh, Alexander. I have forgiven you.

Tall, dark and handsome: Really? Then is that a yes?

Magnus: I've forgiven you but that doesn't mean that I'm sure about wanting to try again

Tall, dark and handsome: Oh...

Magnus: But

Tall, dark and handsome: Yes?

Magnus: I might give you the benefit of the doubt

Magnus: What did you have in mind?

Tall, dark and handsome: So is this a yes? To the date?

Magnus: I guess so...

Tall, dark and handsome: Then don't worry about anything. I'll pick you up tomorrow at 6?

Magnus: I can't at 6. Have to be at work. 7 okay?

Tall, dark and handsome: Yes. Anythings fine with me

Magnus: Don't overdo it ;)

Tall, dark and handsome: Oh an emoji. I think you're warming up to me.

Magnus: Don't get too cocky, Lightwood.

Tall, dark and handsome: Hmmm... :)

Tall, dark and handsome: So see you tomorrow at 7?

Magnus: See you.


The A Team (groupchat)

TheBiOne: Guys, I need you're advice.

Rag: Sure

KittyCat: What is it, Mags?

TheBiOne: I saw Alec at that art show a few days ago and he said he wanted to try again. I also may or may not have kissed him at the said art show. And now he texted me, asking me out.

KittyCat: OH MY

Rag: You kissed him!?

Moody4Eva: What did you say?

TheBiOne: I said I'll give it a try...but now I'm not so sure if I should.

Rag: Magnus, you know you still love him.

TheBiOne: Unimportant.

KittyCat: YES important. Give him a chance...I know for a fact that he looks miserable without you.

Moody4Eva: I'm with them, Magnus. Although, if that little shit hurts you again...

Moody4Eva: He better start thinking of what he wants engraved on his tombstone

KittyCat: Right. *cracks knuckles*

TheBiOne: Guys, ur sweet and all, but I wouldn't let you hurt Alexander anyway. Even if he was a dick.

Rag: Right. Cause you love him

TheBiOne: maybe

KittyCat: Oh come on, what have you got to lose? And it's obvious he's trying hard.

Moody4Eva: Just call me if you need anything. I can pick you up whenever.

TheBiOne: Thanks guys, love you.

KittyCat: Love you too, you sweet idiot

Rag: Right, what she said.

Moody4Eva: this is getting too lovey-dovey for me, I'm out.


The Lightwood/Herondale Power (groupchat)

SaltyandSassy: Guys, Magnus said yes to the date

SaltyandSassy: I'm freaking out

Dumbass: YAASSS I knew he couldn't resist your gay charms

ThatBitch: Jace, gay charms isn't a thing

Dumbass: They are now. Why are you freaking out? This is a good thing, Alec

SaltyandSassy: What if I screw up? Or what if at the end of the night, he still doesn't want to get back together? I mean I wouldn't blame him, I was terrible to him...

ThatBitch: Big bro, relax. 

ThatBitch: First of all, you won't screw up because you have me to help you. Second, Magnus still loves you. I know that and that's why he'll give you a chance. You were sick, sweetie, don't be so hard on yourself

Dumbass: Yeah, it was natural that you needed time for yourself. Now you just have to prove that you want him to be a part of your life

SaltyandSassy: Right. With this big date. which is?

ThatBitch: Alec! Didn't you plan before you invited him??

SaltyandSassy: ...not really

SaltyandSassy: I panicked!

Dumbass: As usual

ThatBitch: When's the date?

SaltyandSassy: At 7 tmrw.

ThatBitch: Okay, good, we've got time. Let's meet at your place in 20 minutes, Jace, you too.

Dumbass: On my way already.

SaltyandSassy: I'll order pizza.

ThatBitch: Right, cause you owe us, you idiot!

A/N: Hey sweeties, thanks for making this far with the story! I will probably be uploading the next chapter later this evening, and tomorrow I will post the first chapter of another story I have going on, because this one is coming to its end soon enough :) So, keep an eye out for the last few chapters left in this book and check out my new book (I am planning on making it a trilogy, juuuust maybe), I will let you know when the first chapter of that is published! As always, vote, comment, let me know what you think! Stay salty and sassy! :)xxx

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