Let's try something new

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Magnus got to the cinema at exactly 6pm. He saw Alec waiting at the entrance from afar and took his appearance in. He was wearing black jeans again, but a pure white sweater and black dressing shoes, his coat was open at the front. He looked utterly adorable. And hot. Magnus glanced at his own attire for a moment. He had gone with black skinny jeans too, but the button down he was wearing was dark green and his hair had green glitter in it as well. He had his leather jacket on and the chains hanging from his jeans were in place. But he had painted his nails dark blue. He had done his best not to be too outstanding with his attire, judging by Alec's look on his face when he approached, he had succeeded.

"Hi. You look nice." Alec said sweetly to him. Magnus had a strange feeling in his stomach. He realized it was like butterflies flying around. This had never happened to him. So that's what those movies are talking about, he thought to himself. But he smiled broadly and said "Thank you. I mean, I just threw something on. You on the other hand, look very, very good indeed." he gesture to Alec, licking his lips slightly. Alec cocked his head to one side and smirked "Yeah, thanks. I haven't worn this sweater for like 2 years, completely forgot I had it."

Magnus laughed and said "Well I'm honored you fished it out for our date. It suits you." Was that a small blush on Alec's cheeks? Magnus hoped so. He gestured towards the entrance and Alec nodded. They walked in and got two tickets to whatever was playing - in that particular moment it was La La Land. Crap, this is a romantic movie, Magnus thought. Oh well, this doesn't have to be that kind kind of a date. They got in and the theater darkened. They ate the shared popcorn they had and were making whispering comments about the movie, trying not to laugh and getting angry looks from other visitors. Magnus glanced at Alec's hand that was on the armrest between them. He felt the urge to take it, but he resisted. Not that kind of date, Magnus reminded to himself. However, his internal fight was cut short, because suddenly he felt warmth on his arm and glancing down he saw Alec's hand on his.

Alec wasn't looking at him, but he was smirking. Magnus smirked as well and squeezed his hand slightly. When the movie was over, they got up and left the theater laughing and still holding hands. Once outside Alec looked down on their intertwined hands and asked "So, where to now? How about dinner?" Magnus smiled and replied "Yeah, let's do that. I know a great place. In a mood for pizza?" Alec laughed and said "Always in the mood for pizza." Magnus wanted to make him laugh all the time. It was the most beautiful sound he had ever heard.

They walked hand in hand and once they reached the pizza place, Alec opened the door for him. "Such a gentleman" Magnus observed, smiling. Alec laughed and replied "Well, I wouldn't want Catarina to come after me for not treating you right." Magnus shook his head in laughter and they sat down. They ordered and then Magnus started "So...Why did you become a tattoo artist?" Alec thought for a moment and then he said "I studied arts at school, I finished a year ago." So he must be about my age, Magnus thought. "And I don't know, I mean I had gone to the same parlour myself as well, I loved it. They are real pros. So after my third tattoo, I asked if they needed some help. They took me in, treated me really good and soon Derek set me up with my own chair and customers. It gives me some kind of calm, inking people, seeing how they are happy with what they get, the trust they put in me for leaving a permanent mark on their bodies."

Magnus gaped at him. Then he said "You have three tattoos?" Alec scoffed and said "I have five." Magnus' eyes widened. He really wanted to see them all. "May I ask what they are?" Alec smiled mischievously and replied "You may, but I won't tell. Maybe you'll see them for yourself some time..." Magnus almost gasped "Alexander, are you suggesting something?" Alec shrugged his shoulders innocently and then said "But I can say which one I got as my first. I have a pic of it on instagram." He took out his phone and scrolled a bit. Then he showed the screen to Magnus. It was a black rune thing on his neck. Magnus looked up and saw a tiny bit of it peeking out of Alec's collar. Alec smiled "It's a deflective rune. Supposed to ward off blows coming in your direction."

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