Sweet mornings

726 43 12

Magnus' P.O.V

We stay on the couch, cuddling for the next two hours, when suddenly, I am reminded of something. I shoot upwards, hitting my head with my palm. Alexander sits up as well, an alarming look on his face when he asks "What? What's wrong?". I chuckle slightly but reply "Oh, sorry. Nothing's wrong, I just remembered, I got you something." He wears a look of surprise and a little suspicion, when I get up and take the necklace out of my coat. I get back to him, sitting in front of him. I hand him the necklace, the stone dangling in the air between us, catching the faint light of the night lamp. 

He takes it carefully, gazing at it in awe. I stare at him nervously and say "It's supposed to ward off negative emotions. I wanted to give you something that you can wear as a talisman, but something that also reminds you of me. That I am always with you, no matter what. It reminded me of you, anyway, so I hope you'll wear it." I am wringing my hands nervously and he notices, when he takes my hand with his, the other still holding the necklace. He leans down and kisses my cheek ever so sweetly and whispers "Magnus, it's perfect. You are perfect. Thank you so much." I blush, but he smiles and lets go of my hand, to put the necklace around his neck. It sits on his chest and fits him perfectly, just the kind of thing he would wear.

I sigh and rest my head on his shoulder. He rubs my back and then he says "You know, I can't control when it will happen. And sometimes, it might be depression but sometimes the opposite. And you know I wouldn't want you on the receiving end when it happens. But I suppose I can't talk you out of this." I gaze up at him, his ocean blue eyes deep with worry and I touch his cheek with my fingers slightly. "No, you can't. I will always be here for you, Alexander. You are so much more than you think you are. I will make you see that, some day." 

He closes his eyes briefly, digesting my words. I smile and kiss him, while they're still closed. He kissed me back instantly and I melt into him, his lips soft and curving with mine perfectly. He shifts us so he can bring me to his lap and we are closer than possible.

I open my mouth to let him in and his tongue tastes like peppermint. I moan into the kiss when he bites my lower lip. I can feel him smile a little. I pull back, breathing heavy and look at him with misty eyes. He pulls me closer, resting our foreheads together. I nod and he doesn't sat anything. He lifts us up, so he's carrying me, and moves us to his bedroom.

Whenever I'm with Alexander, it's always heavenly. He is divine, like and angel. And a hot one at that. But when he puts me down on the bed, it's not the same as last times, when its heated and carnal, this time he sets me down slowly, like I'm fragile. Which is ironic, because he's the one who's close to being broken. I want to hold him and protect him from everything. He stand over me, gazing over my body and in the dim light from the street lamps he looks like something out of this world. He features are soft, clouded with something I can't quite decipher, but he has a loving look in his eyes. I wish it would stay there forever.

He whispers "Magnus Bane, you are so perfect." I smile and pull him down to me with one hand. When he falls to me, it's like he gives himself to me and we crash together, like two stars colliding, creating a supernova that drowns out everything else. I let my hands roam over him, wanting to map every inch into my mind, so I can always feel him when I am lonely. He holds his hands to my face when he looks at me, eyes sparkling, and he kisses me again. It full of so much love, sweetness, it's almost like agony being kissed by him. It's a sweet pain I could endure forever.

"I love you so much, Alexander." I whisper to him. He moves a fallen strand of hair from my eyes and catches my lips again, but not before whispering back "I love you, Magnus." And I wish I would never have to feel what it's like to be without him again.

Alec's P.O.V

When I open my eyes in the morning, my head feels a bit groggy, like I had been drinking last night, which I didn't. I sigh and let my hand go over my face. When I try to move my legs, they're trapped. I smile when I look to my left. Magnus is sleeping peacefully and no wonder, when I glance at the nightstand clock, it's just after 8. Magnus' hair have fallen everywhere, with no glitter or gel to hold them up, and they look soft. I am sure, if I would touch them, they would be like silk. His mocha coloured skin is half displayed, the blanket fallen off of his chest and I find myself still smiling widely. He is doing this to me, I think happily. I quietly disentangle our legs, at which he stirs a little but then moves on his side. I drown out my chuckle and stand up, finding my boxers and putting a bathrobe on. 

I go to the bathroom and open the cabinet, finding the box of painkillers. I am almost out and, making a mental note to buy some more today, I pop one into my mouth. I run the water and gulp some of it, to swallow the pill. I look at myself in the mirror. I don't look half as bad as I did before Magnus came back to my apartment. I smile.

When I get back to the room, he is sitting upwards, his back against the headboard and holding his phone. He glances up when I enter and his face lights up. He smiles and says in a sleepy voice "Morning." I love his beautiful voice. It's exquisite. I get out of the robe, letting it fall on the floor and sneak onto him, and I put my head through his hands that are still holding the phone, so I can reach up to his neck and I nuzzle myself into it. He smiled and puts away his phone, saying "Someone want attention today." I hum and ask "What were you doing?" Magnus is stroking my hair now as he replies "Told Cat I won't be there today. So you have me for a little longer." 

I hum again in appreciation and look up at him. "That's what I like to hear." I kiss his neck but he shifts and asks "What are you doing up so early?" I shake my head and say "Just a little headache. I took a pain killer already." He shakes his head but I kiss his cheek and say "Don't worry, okay? It's fine." He lets his hand slide up and down my back and then he says "Do you know what else is supposed to help with headaches?" I shake my head in confusion. He lets his hand slide under the blanket, grazing over my boxers and instantly hardening me. I curse my body mentally for betraying me like that. I smirk and say "Oh." He smirks back and says "Oh indeed." He rolls us over so I am pinned beneath him. 

I don't mind waking up like this, if it's Magnus that does the waking.

A bit shorter than the last one's, sorry! But the next one will be longer again :)x

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