Coffee and suits

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Alec was walking down the street with Isabelle on his arm, chatting about her newest customer at the law firm she was working at. Jace was on the other side of Alec, smiling as Isabelle said "What a bitch! Who does she think she is, I mean I am meant to defend her, but she lies to me, making me look like an idiot when the prosecutor showed us that piece of evidence!" Alec chuckled but since Isabelle looked furious he quickly said "Yes, absolutely. What a bitch." Jace added, smirking "Yeah, a total idiot." Isabelle smiled slightly, although she knew her brothers weren't really paying attention. They supported her, no matter what she said.

"So, where to next? I am dying for some coffee." Jace said, yawning. "Jace, it's 12pm. And we have only looked at two shops!" Jace shrugged and Alec sighed, saying "We're going to be here all day. Izzy, I'm fine with whatever suit, let's just pick one and go get something to eat." Isabelle unlinked there hands and stood in front of him defiantly, raising her chin. She was in her usual heels, nothing less than 7 inches is what she always said, so these particular black boots were 8 inches. She was wearing all leather, pants and jacket, and with her glare she looked pretty fierce, her black hair flowing down her back. Alec almost took a step back. "Alexander Lightwood, this is an important event for you and you will not screw it up by showing up in 'just some suit', because first impressions are important! Now come on, coffee and then the next shop." She took Alec's hand as well as Jace's and dragged them to the Starbucks across the street.

Jase groaned but was soon wearing a much happier look when he was sipping from his cup, looking out the window. They decided to take a 5 minute breather and then hit the next shop Isabelle said to be "Nothing but top-notch businessman suits that kick ass". Alec sighed while sipping his coffee. He was nervous about the event. He was supposed to go to a sort of gala in three days, all the tattoo artists from their branch were going to be there. The parlour had other smaller representative shops around the city, but Alec had been given the certificate of "New-comer and best tattoo artist of the branch 2019" and he was supposed to recieve it in front of all those people. Isabelle noticed his worried face and put a hand above his, saying gently "Alec, sweetie, you'll be great! Your work is great and you are great. Don't worry so much."

Alec smiled but a few second later his breath got caught in his throat and his mouth slightly hung open. He saw a pair of familiar faces and he decided he didn't want to deal with it right now. He stood up hurriedly and said "Alright, come on, we don't have all day." Jace raised his eyebrows and said "Wow, suddenly so enthusiastic. I'm done with my coffee anyways." He stood up too but Isabelle followed her brother's gaze. She smiled wickedly. Alec noticed this and said pleadingly "Isabelle..." But she said "Alec, is that your new boyfriend you were texting the other day? He's totally hot!" Alec groaned but Jace followed Isabelle's gaze and whistled "Dude, how come you always get laid and I end up with girls who only want to date and marry me?"

Alec punched Jace hard saying "I am not getting laid. I mean, he is not just..." Alec stopped, not even knowing what to say and Isabelle's eyes widened at this. "You mean to tell me, he is actually your boyfrie-" But suddenly Catarina had spotted them and was standing next to them, dragging Magnus behind her. "Alec! Hi, what a fun coincidence meeting you here!" she said, beaming. She tossed her braids from her face and smiled at the other two. Alec seemed like he was locked in a cage, desperately wanting to get out, eyes darting around looking for an escape. Magnus smiled his most genuine smile when he slowly said "Alexander. Hello." His voice was almost like honey. Alec swallowed and tried to sound normal when he nodded and said "Catarina, Magnus. Hi." 

"Well, aren't you going to introduce us?" Isabelle practically screamed out of joy. Alec rolled his eyes and said quickly "Um, this is my sister Isabelle and this is Jace, my brother." Isabelle reached her hand out to Catarina and then Magnus, who both introduced themselves. Isabelle waved her hand a little and said "Just Izzy. Alec has told us so much about you Magnus!" she cheered. This was an absolute lie and she knew it. But Izzy was good at lying and she always had devious plans. Alec tried to cut in "I haven't-" but Jace said, playing along "Yeah, won't stop blabbering about you." Magnus raised his eyebrow at this and looked at Alec, smirking widely. "Why, Alexander, I had no idea you were so invested in our relationship." Catarina giggled and said "And what relationship would that be?" Jace went to open his mouth, but Alec stepped on his foot, to which Jace said loudly "Ouch, son of a -" and Alec quickly said "We have to go, nice to see you two, bye!"

How to not mess this up #malec fanfictionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora