Chapter 20

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(This is 3 years later Lauren and Camilla's wedding day.Enjoy.)

Lauren POV

I slid into the white pants. I was nervous. My hands where shaking my forehead constantly sweating. "Lauren. Calm down." Dinah said whipping away sweat from my forehead. "I am calm. I'm calm. Super calm. What's calm? Oh that's right, me." I said shaking still. "Okay. Now you have bad jokes. You've been planning this for 3 years now. You just have to take a deep breath. Don't lock your knees and remember your vows." She said chuckling. My face dropped. "Shit. My vows." I said trying to remember what took me 2 weeks to write. "Your joking right?" Dinah said seriously. "Yeah. Gotcha!" I said faking a smile. "You so forgot." She said touching her hand to her forehead. "I forgot." I said pulling on the hot pink tie around my neck.

"3 minutes girls." The guy who would be marring us said. "Fuck. Dinah what am I going to do?" I said as she whipped my back. "Your winging it." She said. "Your good at that stuff. Just say what you feel." She said and fixed my long dark hair. "Let's go!" Ally said pulling me out the room.

"Ally is it okay to be nervous right now?" I said as we ran out side to the service that would take place in a empty field. Camila wanted to have pink as the color. I wanted just white. So we compromised and went with pink. "Its completely normal. Just take a deep breath and relax." She said and hugged me tightly. "You go this." She said and smoothed my tie down. "Let's get married." I said to myself as me and the priests walked down the empty strip of grass. I felt eyes on me smiling as I walked.

I looked straight as I got closer and closer to the front. "You can do this." I told my self. I stood there as music played. First Ally and Troy walked down, they both danced crazily to 'DJ Got Us Falling In Love' by Usher. Troy was my cousin and best friend. He was rarely around but I could always talk to him. The got to the front and stood there waiting for Normani and Sam. They both spun down and then came Dinah and Kevin. Kevin was Camz best friend growing up and we needed another guy so. They came down dancing like everyone else. Once the song ended the priest started. "Would everyone please stand." He said as the 'wedding song' played.

I saw Camila walked down the ile slowly. All eyes on her. I didn't see anyone else. Only the girl walking towards me with a white dress on with, instead of a bow around her waist, she had a hot pink bow resting on her head. I smiled as the love of my life walked down the ile. Her mesmerizing body took over my eyes.

She stepped up to me and we joined hands. We stayed quite looking into each other's eyes. We said what we needed but nothing more. "Lauren would you say your vows?" The priest said looking at me. "Yes." I said smiling.

"Okay. Well, honestly I forget every single word I wrote down which took me 2 weeks to come up with. But I realized I don't need to think about why I love you. I don't need to write it down. I honestly can't. I couldn't sit down and write out why I love you and why I am standing here today. Getting married doesn't signify 'I love you so let's get the law involved.' It signifies  'I don't know what I would do without you. And if I didn't have you then I would be lost and incomplete.' I don't know where I am going with this. But I love you with every piece if me. And if there was a way to show you that then I would do whatever it takes." I said and smiled. Holy fuck.

Camila said her vows. Honestly I didn't listen. I stared at her lips wishing I could kiss them. "I now pronounce you wife and wife. You may now kiss the bride." The priest said and I quickly pulled Camila closer to me and kissed her softly. My hands where on her waist. I knew there where people watching so I didn't slid my hands to her back side like usual.

"I love you wife." I said and stepped back as everyone clapped and stood up. "I love you too wife." Camz said grabbing my hand as we walked down the ile. "You look amazing you know." I said bumping her arm. "Yeah I know." She said smiling. "Your not so bad yourself." She said smirking. "Hey babe." I stopped and she turned to me. We where just past the ile. "Yeah?" She said and I kissed her lips softly. I slid my hand to her waist getting an eruption of applause.

I broke the kiss and looked into the brown eyes I would be spending the rest of my life with. "I love you.'' I said as we continued walking. " I guess I love you too. " she said jokingly. We walked back to the building to go to the reception.


"I just want to say one thing. I am officially married. Raise your hand if you never thought that would happen." I paused and a few people raised there hand. "But I am. And I am happy. I truly am. There is no person I would rather be with than you. Karla Camila Cabello well now Jauregui. I love you." I said and sat down. "I love you too Lauren Michelle Jauregui." She said and kissed me softly.

Once the reception was over and everyone left it was just Me, Camila, Dinah, Ally, Normani, and Camilas Mom Dad and Sofi. "Well we have a plane to be on tomorrow morning to go to The Philippines so good night." I said and hugged everyone after we cleaned up some. "Okay. Well see you guys in a week. Take some pictures okay." Shinu said and hugged us both. "Yeah take pictures of everything. But you know not everything." Mani said and laughed.

"This is why we can't do nice things with you guys." I said and hugged them all. "Come on Mrs. Jauregui." I said and grabbed Camz hand. "Bye guys!" Camila said waving with her free hand. We got in the car to go home and sleep for about 7 hours. "So how does it feel to be married?" I said smiling at the woman I can officially call my wife.

"It feels amazing." She said and kissed my hand. "I love you you know." I said glancing at her then the road. "Yeah. I guess I have to love you too." She said smiling.

We drove to the 3 bedroom 2 bathroom house I had bought us 1 year ago. "So I know you have crossed into the house a million times. But, this is the first time you will as a Jauregui and see we don't do much on our feet. We are more of sleep all day type of people. So." I said after opening her door. I picked her up bridal style. "You won't do it on your feet." I said and kissed her nose. I walked her through the door and layed her on the couch.

I hovered over her and this kissed her lips. She was still wearing her dress. "Babe. You should probably change out if this. Well we both should change. You don't want to mess up these cloths." I said and kissed her again. "Okay." She said and kissed me again. "We aren't changing are we." I said and kissed her again. "Well we can take off these cloths. But not changing into something else." She said smirking. "I can live with that." I said and kissed her again.

"Okay let's change before we rip these cloths." She said and I stood up. We walked to the bedroom. I pulled off the suit. "I need a little help here." She said and I walked over. "Unzip it?" I said and pulled the zipper down her back slowly. The dress fell to the ground revealing the love of my life, my wife, my world. "You know. I've seen you naked a million times and every time I go breathless. Every time I find you even more stunning then the last." I said and unbuttoned the white shirt.

"Mm. Your not to bad-" she was cut off my the doorbell.  "God. Can we ever do anything?" I said and walked to the door. "Yes?" I said and opened the door. "Fuck." I said when I saw the tall girl standing before me. "Hey Laur." She said and walked in the house. "Babe who- Why the fuck are you here?" Camila said walking into the room pulling a shirt over her head.
(Have you seen the Sledgehammer music video? I died then came back! Ahh it's so perfect! Thank you all for reading and supporting this book. I didn't think anyone would read this. But you all did so thank you for that. :)

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