Chapter 13

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( 4 months into the future. It is the last day of the school year)

Camila POV

I walked down the hallway of the school with Lauren, Ally, Normani, and Dinah standing next to me. We all laughed at some joke Dinah had said. Everyone was used to me and Lauren now andBritney moved her ugly ass on. We walked up to our lockers that where all next to each other. "So guys what time are you coming over for the party at my place?" Lauren said after closing her locker.

"I'm going home with you so." I said and held her hand. They all smirked at me. Me and Lauren still haven't done it yet so every time me or her said something like that they all thought we where going to do it. "Well then, since there going home together we don't want to be in the house for that. I'm gonna be there at 5 is that enough time for you guys?'' Normani said and everyone laughed. "Come on Mani. You know that's not enough time." Ally said giggling. "I think we should call of the party then." Dinah said laughing. "Come on guys. Stop playing." Lauren said after laughing her self. "Okay. I am picking up Dinah and I will be there at 5." Normani said. "I'll be there at 5 to then." Ally said and the bell rung.

"Okay see you guys at lunch." I said and me and Lauren walked to our class. "Hey girls." A tall football player said. "Its my birthday today so I was wondering. Can I watch?" He said and wiggled his eyebrows.

"Pig." I said and Lauren kicked him in the nuts. "Nice one babe." I said and we walked around the football player on the ground and his friends laughing at him. "Thanks." She said and pecked my lips. We walked into class and went through the motions until lunch.

"Hey guys." Lauren said as we sat down. "Hey I heard a football player, Brad Marcus, got kicked in the nuts today." Ally said laughing. I looked up and Lauren. She smirked and I giggled. "What?" Dinah said confused. "I may or may not of done that." Lauren said getting a high five from me. "What did he do?" Mani said laughing. "He asked if her could watch." I said and everyone laughed.

"You didn't invite him for after school?" Dinah said reminding everyone from this morning. Normani high fived her from across the table. "Nice one Dinah." Lauren said laughing. "Okay so is everything set for the party?" Ally said looking up from her food.

"Yeah I think. Did everyone invite everyone they know?" I said looking around. "Yeah." They all said together. "Then its set." I said leaning onto Laurens shoulder. The bell rung and we said goodbye and went to our classes.

We went through the day and finally the day ended. Me and Lauren went to her car and drove to her house. "So you know not to leave your drink anywhere and come back and drink it right?" Lauren said looking at me.

"I know Lolo. Calm down. I will stay with you and tell you where I am at all times." I said and grabbed her hand. "I know. But its just I haven't ever thrown a party with you. I just don't want anything to happen to you." She said and blushing slightly. "Your cute when your protective." I said smirking at her. "Your always cute." She said looking at me while we where at a red light. "Duh." I said and kissed her hand.

We got to her house and parked in the garage because of all the people who would be coming over. Normani and Ally would park there to. We where all spending the night at Laurens.

"Okay so I'm gonna go lock all the doors no one can go into them can you get out the cups and stuff in the kitchen." Lauren said and ran up the stairs. I nodded and walked to the kitchen. Images off mine and Laurens last make out session in here.

I was sitting on the counter both of us shirtless. Her hands trailed down my back and gripped my ass. I moaned in joy. But we where soon interrupted by Bernard. Fucking Bernard.

I smiled at the memory and grabbed the red cups from the counter. I put stacks of them on the middle of the counter as Lauren walked down the stairs twirling keys her hand. "I have to lock all the doors or we might wake up in the morning to 20 people walking out the house half naked." She said smirking. "Ew." I said and smiled at her.

"Camila." She said and turned me to face her. "Please listen to me. I don't feel so good about this party. I feel like something's going to happen. Just please stay close to me and if for some reason you get away from me and you don't feel good. Please find Dinah, Ally, or Normani. Ally doesn't drink so the best person to find would be Ally. Okay." She said looking into my eyes. "Okay. But you have to promise me something." I said looking back to her eyes.

"Anything " she said honestly. "Please don't drink to much. And please if anything please don't turn to some slut if you get drunk." I said honestly. "Camila. We talked about this. I'm not that person anymore. I have eyes only for you. I won't do anything stupid. And anyways. I couldn't there's pictures of you or something of yours everywhere. I would see that and realize I wasn't with you." She said and kissed me softly. "I know. But just in case." I said and slammed my lips into hers and pulled her closer to my body. A soft moan escaped her lips.

"Hey- Holy Shit!" Ally screamed. "Fuck." I whispered against Laurens lips. I pulled my body off hers. "Guys you said you wouldn't have sex today." Normani said jokingly. "It wasn't sex. It was the beginning if something I'm glad we stopped." Dinah said walking into the kitchen. "Please guys. You've seen worse." Lauren said and walked away from me.

"Oh yeah you remember that one time last summer when we-" Dinah began but Lauren cut her off. "No Dinah! Don't say it that was the most embarrassing thing ever!" Lauren yelled. "What?" I said confused. "We walked in on-" Ally began. "Ally!'' Lauren stopped her. "We walked in on Lauren losing her v-card." Normani blurted out before Lauren could stop her.

Laurens face turned bright red. "And we almost did the same for you. We should really knock more often guys." Dinah said and the all agreed. "God damn guys! Shut up!" Lauren said crossings her arms. "Its okay Lolo. Your so embarrassed it makes up for the fact that your friends have seen more of you than I have." I said smirking.

"Don't even you saw-" Lauren began. "Shut up!" I said yelling. "Oh I want to hear about this." Ally said and sat down. Lauren put her hand over my mouth. "See Camila here walking in on my while I was taking a bath and- Did you just lick me!" She yelled wiping her hand on her shirt. "Won't be the last time." Normani whispered to Dinah causing them to giggle like crazy.   "Let me finish the story." Lauren said and put her hand on my mouth again and ignored me licking her hand. "So I was taking a bath and when she walked into the bathroom she was so surprised she just stood there staring for like 5 minutes." Lauren said and removed her hand and wiped it on my shirt this time.

"I hate you." I said glaring at her. "That was worse than the time when I was talking to Taylor and said she should come over to my house and have a sleep over and you wouldn't stop laughing and smirking." I said and she just shrugged her shoulders. "Not my fault your really hot." She whispered the last part.

"You couldn't hate me. You love me to much to hate me." Lauren said and kissed my lips softly getting a aww from the 3 girls.

We all finished setting up for the party and at 7 people poured into the huge house. Music blared. I stayed next to Lauren and only took a sip on her beer and it was so nasty. So I was stuck to spending my time watering down Laurens drink when she wasn't looking. The party ended at 3 in the morning. We feel asleep on the couch with Ally and Normani on the floor and Dinah some where.

This will be fun go clean up in the morning.

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