Chapter 3

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Lauren POV

I woke up Saturday morning at 9 like I did all the time. I went straight to the gym, well it was just a treadmill a set of weights and a bench. It wasn't a gym but it was what I worked out in every morning. I walked into the room and ran the 3 miles I run every morning in 15 minutes. Thoughts of Camila running through my mind. Her lips. Her voice. Her deep brown eyes. Her everything.

I moved to the bench did my 7 reps of 20. I lifted about 140 and 150 on good days. I finished and went up to my room to take a shower. I got out of the cold shower and pulled on some jeans, a back v-neck that said stay weird upside down, and my black converse. It was simple. I picked up my phone and called Normani. It was now 10:00.

L: Hey Mani! I need you to come over now. I have something I need you to help me set up.

N: Okay. Be there is 5 minutes. Bye bitch.
L: Bye hoe.

I hung up the phone and dialed Allys number.

L: Hey Ally can you come over? I need your help with something.

A: Oh yeah sure. Is Mani coming?

L: Yes shes coming.

A: Okay be there in five. By Laur.

L: Bye Ally.

I was always nice to Ally. She's the kind if person you strived to be nice to no matter what mood you where is. She had the positive attitude that made everyone desk good.

5 minutes later they both knocked on the door and I ran to it. "Okay. Come on I need help setting something up." I said and pulled them in the house. "Laur. Calm down. What do you need to set up for?" Ally said stopping me. "I-" Damn it. You have to tell them you have fallen head over heels for some girl. "I-" I paused. "You..." Mani said looking at me confused.

"I need you to help me set up something to ask Camila to be my girlfriend." I said really fast hoping I didn't have to repeat my self. They looked at me Ally smirking and Mani shocked. "You what?" Normani said arching her eyebrow. "I want to ask Camila to be my girlfriend." I said a little slower but still fastly. "Wow. You know if you do this your can't go and fuck every girl you see right?" Ally said still smirking. "Yes. I know." I said and turned to walk to the kitchen. Right?

I walked over to the and grabbed a cold Green Tea. I chugged it down. "So you really want to do this?" Normani said looking at me skeptical. I nodded. "I really like her guys." I said honestly. "Lauren. You just met her." Ally said even though she was on board she didn't want to see me get hurt. "I know." I said simply I didn't bother to tell them how it felt to kiss her. How her brown eyes looked deeply into mine. The way she made me stutter. "So are you going to help me or not?" I said shrugging my shoulder. "She will be here at 12." I said and walked to my room. "I'm in if Ally's in." Normani said. "I am so in. Helping Laur get her first girlfriend. Definitely." She said excited. "Then we are both in." Normani said as we walked into my room.

"So how do you want to ask her?" Ally said jumping on my bed right where Camila sat just the day before. "I don't know. That's why I called you guys. I'm not good at this stuff." I said and looked away from them. "Well. I think you should just keep it simple." Normani said looking me in the eyes. "Lauren!" Ally said looking at my neck. "What is that?" She said yelling giving me a mirror. "What- whoa." I said looking at the fairly large hickey on my neck. "You didn't have that at school. You can't ask a girl out with that." Ally said her eyes wide.

A smirked. This was all work of the goddess her self. I looked at Mani smirking also. She knew what going on. Ally still looked puzzled. "Ally. That was from Camila." Normani said softly hitting her arm. "Omg! You already got in the girls pants!" Ally said looking disappointed. Why does everyone think I just want sex from her? "No. I didn't fuck her." I said looking away from them.

An oh-shit look came across Ally's face. "Laurens whipped!!!" She screamed jumping up and down! "Ally! Shut up. I'm not whipped." I said playfully. I am so whipped. "Okay okay." She said calming down. "You should just sit down with her and tell her stuff about why you Lauren Michelle Jauregui are asking her out." Ally said nonchalantly. Well that was easy. I said and shrugged my shoulders. "Okay." I looked at my phone. "Holly shit! Its 11:54! She will be here any minute." I said and stood up. "Get out!" I said laughing and they both laughed. They stood up and walked out the door. "Lauren?" Normani said looking at me. "Don't fuck up." She said and left. I'll try. I walked to my room and sat on the bed.

"Bernard!!" I yelled and an older man walked to my door. "Yes Miss. Jauregui?" He said standing there completely straight. He had on his white and black classic suit. "A young girl will be coming over any minute. When she knocks on the door lead her to my favorite chair by the pool. Even if I'm not there. Tell her to wait for me there." I said and he nodded. "Yes Miss. Jauregui." He said and walked away.

I got up from my bed and grabbed a pen and a piece of paper. I wrote on the paper my letter to Camila.

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