Chapter 19

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Camila POV

We rode every ride twice in the park. It was the best day ever. "Okay. Camila we have to go!" Lauren said pulling me to the exit. "I don't wanna!" I said pouting. "Please" Lauren said looking into my eyes. Damn. She knew she could do anything if she looked into my eyes and then kissed me. And she did. She leaned in and kissed me slowly. I didn't respond at first but I had to. "Okay. We can go. But I will hate you forever." I said and walked away. "Awe. Come on you can't hate me." She said smirking. "Remember. When we did this." She said and put her hand firmly on my backside. "And this." She said and pulled me close to her body. She broke the kiss. "And the best part. This." She said and trailed her hand up my back and to my breast. She squeezed lightly. "Okay. I love you." I said backing away from her a little.

"I know. I love you too." She said and peaked my lips. "Come on." She said and we walked to the car. She opened the door for me like she always did. It was a small gesture but it made me feel like a princess. It made me feel special. We sat in the car and we drove to where ever this place was.

"Lolo please tell me where we are going?" I said looking at her with pleading eyes. "Its a surprise. You will see when we get there." She said smiling. "Fine." I said and crossed my arms. She told me to put on my bathing suit so it was with water. It was late so it couldn't be the beach. She wouldn't hide going to the hotel pool. I give up.

"Okay we are here " She said and turned off the car. I looked at the building, well wall in front of us. It was hiding something behind it, it had to be. She got out and opened my door for me. "What is this?" I said as she closed my door. "A wall." She said simply. "No shit Sherlock." I said sarcastically. "Stupid questions get stupid answers." She said and grabbed my hand. We walked up to the wall. "Stay here." She said and let go of my hand.

She walked around the wall. What the hell? I saw the lights turn on behind the wall that shined over in the black sky with stars everywhere. Lauren walked back over with her shirt off. "Come on." She said and grabbed my hand. We walked around the wall. "What is- whoa." I said as I saw the hot tub bubbling. The sky making everything black else besides the lights that where pasted go the wall. "Come on." Lauren said placing her hand on the small of my back.

I pulled off my shirt and shorts. We walked over to the hot tub and stepped in slowly. "Sit here." Lauren said motioning me to a seat facing the giant wall. "Okay but Lolo what-" she cut me off. "Shh. Just watch." She said and pressed a button and the lights turned off slowly. A projection came on the wall. The video started.

"Hey Camila." Ally said from the video. "Hi Mila!" Normani said. "Sup dowg!" Dinah said next. "Hello Mija!" My Mami said. "Hey Mila! Even though your not here!" Sofi said. "Hello Camila." My Papi said.

"I love you." Each person said in a different order. "I care " They each said. Why isn't Lauren in this? "I approve your relationship." They each said with a smile. What's going on? Then they went into private messages. "Camila. I know you have only been dating Lauren for a little now but I could see you 20 years from now still annoying each other." Ally said. "I agree with what ever Ally sad before me. Because we all know it was sweet and approving." Dinah said next. "You are amazing." Normani said after my Dad. "I have never seen you happier than with Lauren." My little sister came up next. "What's going on with Mila?" Sofi said confused. "But I love you." She finished. "We all love you and Lauren. Just say yes." My mother said. Yes to what?

The video ended and I turned to Lauren. She had tears in her eyes. "Lauren what-" she cut me off. "Just please listen and don't talk." She said and smiled.

"1 year ago. I met a girl. She was wow. I feel in love instantly. I didn't understand what I felt at first. But I liked the feeling she gave me. I have never been so sure if something my whole life. She has seen apart of me no one has seen before. She made me feel something no one has ever felt before. See this girl she unexplainable. Undescribable. She is my other piece. With out her I am nothing. I know we are young and this is probably something you where not expecting from our vacation. But everyone has a reason and mine is to fall in love. Deeply in love. Completely in love with you. And if you say yes or no to my question will determine if you love me just as much as you. I know we are young and I know I am crazy for doing this. But like they say love makes you do crazy things. It won't happen now. But one day. We finished highschool. Maybe about a year of us with this next step then we can. But not now. I'm only 18. Your still 17. I love you Camila and I know that nothing can change that. So. Maybe we could try this. God I never imagined I would be doing this to anyone. I imagined I would live alone and just be me. Okay I'm rambling. Karla Camila Cabello. Will you-. Damn it. Will you marry me? You know one day." She said smiling sacred. She held out a little box that was sitting on the side of the hot tub.

"Holy shit." I said more to myself. "I know I'm sorry. I shouldn't of-" "yes " I said cutting her off. "Really?" She said her eyes wide. "Not now. Like I'm not about to go worry about my dress. But yeah. Give it about 2 more years of being engaged then yeah." I said and she slammed her lips to mine. "I love you Camz." She said into my ear. "I love you too lolo." I said smiling as she fumbled to put the ring on my finger.

"I can not believe I just did that." She said and sat down. "Me either." I said and kissed her again. "Oh. Um call your mom." She said and handed me my phone. "Okay." I said and kissed before calling her.

C: Hi Mami!

M: Hello Mija. So anything new?

C: Yes. I'm engaged!

M: Well that's something new.

C: So everyone knew?

M: Yes. We did. She had us all make a video. It was really sweet thing for her to do Camila.

C: I know she's amazing.

M: I know Mija well I will see you tomorrow. Love you.

C: okay see you then love you too.

I hung up the phone. "Lauren?" I said looking at her she had her head in her hands. "Yes beautiful?" She said looking at me. "You okay?" I said rubbing her back. "Yeah. I'm perfect. Amazing. I just that was the scariest thing I have ever done in my life." She said honestly. "Oh. I love you babe. I don't know what you would do with out me." I said smiling. "Really." She said looking at me.

"You know. I've never done it in water before." I said and sat in her lap. "Me either." She said smirking at me. "Well what are you waiting for? A proper invitation?" I said smiling at her as she kissed me softly.

I'm engaged.

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