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Howdy folks its abbs here to give yall a nice lesson on commenting.

Literally the nicest thing you can do for an author here on the lovely community of wattpad (even nicer than voting) is comment on their works. It doesn't even have to be feedback it could just be something like "hey I really love where this is going!" or "youre a fab writer!" I can definitely confirm this bc whenever I do get some comments it makes my day.

So where this is headed is basically to my own personal experiences with commenters. They are basically non existent. It makes me slightly frustrated bc I feel like we should all want to help each other out and give back some advice yanno? However most of my readers are ghosties so :(((

(Ps speaking of commenting why don't you head on over to my profile and participate in my q and a for my fanfic called detached? I'm a thirsty hoe at heart xox)

Okay that's all for now bye ily

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