acacia brinley clark 2.0

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okay, i actually hope that people will hate me after this but even if you do or whatever i don't care lmfao. ANYWAY, we're gonna talk about acacia brinley clark (duh). this is going to be pretty serious so there's a possibility that this won't be a funny rant.

if you don't know this, acacia posted a video on her channel with the title 'LET'S TALKING ABOUT: SOCIAL ANXIETY'. in this video she talks about how she has 'social anxiety' and 'anxiety in general'. here is something she said in the video.

"a lot of you guys say 'how can you have social anxiety but then go on the stage at the tca's or digi tour' obviously i'm freaked the fuck out, to be honest. every time i walk on stage i'm so, so scared because everyone is looking at me and they except me to do everything right."

acacia, that ISN'T anxiety. that's BEING NERVOUS like ANY OTHER HUMAN BEING. she goes on and on about how she has it and like giving examples and stuff but i honestly don't think those are anxiety situations. 

there are ACTUAL people who have ACTUAL social anxiety. IT'S A MENTAL ILLNESS. i'm not saying that she doesn't have it, because she might actually have it, but i'm just saying on what she was explaining it didn't sound like it.

i have anxiety myself. i have been diagnosed it so i know for a fact i have it. i have to deal with the sweating, shaking, and headaches. i can barley BREATHE when i'm outside with thousands of people. i can barley go out sometimes because i feel like i'm about to have a panic attack and/or throw up.

when i went to go look at the comments i noticed that one of the youtubers i liked (thiskidneedsmedicine aka kevin) actually commented on it. this is what he said:

"To the people in the comments acting like doctors: lol you don't know acacia and if she says she has it, then she does. I don't know why someone would make up having a form of mental illness to seem "cute" which she is not doing at all..."

i disagreed with him SOO badly, but i didn't respond back to him. and just because someone says they have a certain mental illness doesn't mean they ACTUALLY have it. i mean, i know a lot of people who have problems in their life and have serious illnesses. and the sad truth is that a lot of people think that depression/self harm/anxiety/whatever IS cute and they say they have it because they want to be 'punk rock' or 'cool' or 'cute' or whatever the fuck they want to call it.

again, i'm not saying that she doesn't have it at all because she might actually have social anxiety and i may never know. it was just the way she was describing it was NOT signs for anxiety.

another thing, i HONESTLY feel bad for acacia (sometimes). she gets death threats practically every day and i think that it's fucking sickening. she gets told to cut herself and kill herself, again, practically every day.

i understand how people don't like her, i don't like her either, but telling someone to cut themselves and kill themselves is the most fucking horrible, terrible, sickening, thing you could do. i'm honestly concerned about you if you tell someone to do that.

if you don't like acacia, then just simply ignore her and block her on twitter. i blocked her on twitter lmfao. if you see the word 'acacia' on your dash, timeline, or whatever then just go on youtube and watch some cute ass kittens play with each other or some funny vines or whatever the fuck. 


i don't really have anything else to say :/. damn, this was the longest rant i have ever written haha. oh, if you EVER need someone to talk to remember that the rest of the booties and myself are willing to help and listen to you!!!!! if you want my kik then just go to my page in my bio and it'll say or just ask me.

i would like to everyones opinion on this on whether or not do you think that she really does have anxiety. and PLEASE be honest. don't just say she doesn't have anxiety because you don't like her or want to agree with everyone, etc. the video is on the side in case you haven't seen it and want to.


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