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 ok so zoe and i normally have v v v different views to things, and seeing as she did a review of sgfg, i figured i might as well do one too ((that and i literally got nothing to rant about rn, life is sO!!!! GOOD!!!!)) but also include the target bonus songs bc why the heck not!

ok let's start this shit

track one: money

ok not gonna lie, when this song first dropped, i fuckin hated it. i still do. lmao. i like the BE BE!!! KNOW KNOW!!!! GO GO!!!! RIGHT NOW!!!!! bits, but idk, i think the song is a bit //////: gotta zaYN

rating: 2/5

track two: she's kinda hot

ngl, i think this song is WAAAY overplayed now, like 5sos took too long to put out new music, that when this song dropped i feel like the fandom played it to death. nonetheless, i like how this song touches down on mental health issues, and how the title is kinda deceiving, like everyone thinks it's gonna be some song about michael hitting on a random lass, but it's not!!! yay go 5sos

rating: 2.5/5

track three: hey everybody

i know this one sounds like that duran duran song, but fUCK I LOVE THIS SONG !!!!! it gets me proper pumped and happy, and let's be honest here, calum and ashtons vocals on this track fUCKIN SLAY

rating: 4/5

track four: permanent vacation 

ok, i HATED this song when they were performing it live, but honestly, i LOVE it now, this song has made me its bitch. i feel like this song is kinda like "yea, i'm probably not gonna wind up being anything big or exciting, but i'm alright with that. i'm cool with being who i am, and fuck anyone who doesn't like it" and i lOVE IT SO MUCH YES 5SOS MORE MUSIC LIKE THIS 

rating: 4.5/5

track five: jet black heart

another song that i hated from the word go. in all honesty, i didn't really give this song a chance, the second it started i was like "mikel bae nah, i cant be assed to deal with your emo ass today" but i've given it a shot, and i like it. it's the kinda song that you listen to when you wanna feel liberated in your sadness, when you don't care what people may think about you. also, once again, i fucKIN LOVE THE BRIDGE YES 5SOS GOOD SONG it makes me think of the only reason and that song is ////:

rating: 3/5

track six: catch fire

HOLY SHIT I LOVE THIS SONG! i relate to this song on a spiritual level tbh. i feel like it's a song about realizing that you can't change the world, one person isn't gonna leave a huge imprint on anything, but you still wanna mean something to someone, yanno? idk, i really dig this song

rating: 4/5

track seven: safety pin

I love this song. oh my god. i love ashtons vocals in this song. i love how this song is about two broken people coming together, and fixing one another. i just, yes. yes 5sos. you did good.

rating: 3/5

track eight: waste the night
FUCK ME WITH MY OWN FIST, THIS IS MY FAVOURITE SONG SO FAR. idk, i just love the whimsical feeling of the song, i love the vocals, i love how soft the drumming is during the verses, i love CALUM HOODS FUCKIN VOCALS IN T?HE CHORUS WHATY THE FUC K. i feel like this song was really beautifully put together, even though some of the lyrics are very repetitive ((lol the chorus is literally the same five words repeated)) but w/e. also, michaels vocals during the bridge gtg bye friends. also, i really like the interlude at the end of this track. v the 1975.

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