Chapter Sixty Three

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The following evening, Arnav and I checked out of the hotel and went to Raghav's. Although I wished we could go home, I knew this had to be done.

Upon arrival, Raghav greeted us, his workers taking in our belongings. I was a bit surprised by Raghav's home, expecting something traditional, but was instead surprised with a spacious,  very white, modern home. Almost all of the walls surrounding the home were complete glass, white sheer drapes being the only to cover what was within.

Not that it really mattered. There was a very long driveway that we had to travel up before coming to the secluded home, and as his property was gated and bushes and trees went along it, no one would've been able to see anything to begin with.

"Welcome home Khushi," Raghav smiled.

His eyes made it evident how truly happy he was. The man looked like he could almost cry from happiness, so I gave him a hug, halting the tears. He led us into the spacious living room, which contained minimal furniture. Due to that, the room looked larger than it was.

"It's beautiful here," I said, glancing around.

"Thank you. It really isn't much, but it is home," Raghav said.

"You grew up here?"

"Oh, no, our ancestral home - where I grew up - is elsewhere. It's been a rather long time since I've last been there, given all of the things that had happened.

I pursed my lips, remembering the story of his past.

"You two must be hungry. I'll go check if dinner is ready."

Raghav got up and left to the kitchen, leaving me and Arnav.

"So this is his fortress," Arnav muttered.

I frowned at him. "Fortress?"

"Hmm, fortress," he nodded, glancing around. "There's no security members in the house, from what I can see. Yet they were everywhere on the grounds...."

"We don't have security guards like that in our home either," I pointed out.

"That's true.... Still, given the way Raghav is, I expected him to."

I glanced around the room. "Hmm... I think I might know why there is none."

Arnav looked at me, looking rather curious.

"Given everything... his home echos him, don't you think?"

"How so?"

"It echos his loneliness," I smiled sadly.

Arnav's eyes widened fractionally before he glanced around once more. Just then, Raghav reappeared, telling us that dinner was in fact ready, and we went into the dining room. A long black table took up the center of the room, sleek black chairs with velvet black cushioned seats surrounding it. The table was covered with way more than enough food necessary for three people, but Raghav had insisted on a feast!

After all, it was the first time his daughter had come home.

Dinner was absolutely lovely, asides from too much, but it was obviously very much appreciated. Arnav and Dad... well, I know that given the past, it would take a moment before the two got along perfectly.

But then again would they ever? Given all of the history and given the past....

Perhaps perfection was never going to be possible for their relationship.

And I don't know how to feel about that, especially since they are two of the most important people in my life.

"Come, I'll show you two to your room," Raghav smiled.

Leading us upstairs and down a hall, Arnav and I followed behind him to a large and vast bedroom. Like the rest of the home, there was minimal furniture, a large bed taking up the center, a vanity to the side. One side of the room was all glass windows, the other side leading to the dressing area, where the shelving did take up the space, as well the bathroom. And then much to my surprise, a large flat screen came out from the floor, various systems shelved beneath it.

"You're joking," Arnav gaped.

"Hardly," my father grinned smugly.

I couldn't help but look in shock - which celebrity's home have I come into?

"I'll leave you two to get settled. If you need anything, I'm down the hall and to the left, double doors. Otherwise, I'll see you two in the morning."

"Okay, goodnight Dad," and I gave him a hug.

"Goodnight bunny," and I felt him smile into my hair, giving me a kiss on my forehead before leaving Arnav and I alone.

Arnav sat down on the bed, taking in the room. "I think we need to move."

"Arnav," I scowled.

His pointed eyes met mine. I know that he's still upset with everyone, and I know that he's especially still upset with Di....

With a sigh, I grabbed some clothes to change into and entered the bathroom. Like the rest of the house, it was large and and white. The jacuzzi was looking rather tempting, especially given the last few days, and deciding that I would take a dip in it tomorrow, I changed up and got ready for bed. When I came back in the room, I found Arnav changed and in bed, the light of the large flat screen filling up the room. Arnav looked at me before pulling back the covers, and I made my way to him, snuggling into him.

We simply laid there, the TV volume low. Arnav ran his hand through my hair, keeping me in his arms.

"How long will we stay here," I asked softly.

Arnav let out a small sigh. "I don't know, baby," he said softly.


Snuggling further into him, I sighed. Arnav continued to run his hand through my hair, and when I felt him slowly stop, I knew that he was asleep.


Slowly getting out of his hold, I tip-toed over to the door. Carefully, I opened it, hoping to make no sound at all. Successfully, I did.

With one brief glance at Arnav, making sure that he was still asleep, I carefully shut the door behind me.

I'm sorry Arnav, but I have to do this, and I have to do this in my own.

Mr. Perfect (COMPLETE)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя