Chapter Thirty Six

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"Hi daddy."

This... this can't be... I mean... no.

"What the fuck are you talking about, that thing can't be mine," Arnav sneered.

"Oh? I'm about 14 to 15 weeks pregnant Arnav, and if you use that CEO head of yours, when you count back in time, that would happen to be right about the last time we fucked."

"That can't be-"

"Oh baby, but it is."

Arnav looked away, burying his hands in his hair while I was still rooted in place, stunned. All I could do was stare at the woman - my birth mother! - in shock, while she smirked away at me.

"You know Arnav, when you told me that you were in love with the girl you were going to marry, I thought it had to be a joke. I mean, you loving someone is just hysterical, given all of your failed relationships and you just always coming back to me. And yet now... how sad. And how ironic, you happened to fall in love and marry my daughter."

Arnav's eyes snapped to hers.

"Honestly, I had no clue she was my daughter," she grimaced. "I never cared to look into her once I got rid of her."

I felt my heart pang in pain from her words. I had always hoped that maybe one day my birth mother would reach out to me, only she never cared about me at all.

"Only did I learn today that she was, once you called my older sister on stage. I have to admit though, Kajol didi sure still looks good for her age and jeejaji still looks delicious."

I felt my stomach churn at her words.

"I really am amazed Arnav, I mean... like really, first me, and then my daughter? You really do have a type, huh? First fucking and impregnating me, and then moving onto my daughter."

I felt my stomach churn again. I think I'm going to be sick.

"It's too bad I didn't find out about this earlier but because of hi- a certain someone, I was rather preoccupied. But oh well, no better time than the present," she grinned. "Anyways, back to the topic of our child-"

"That thing is not my child," Arnav roared. "I don't know what fucking game you're playing at Kinjal, but I know that's not my fucking child!"

"Oh sweet Arnav, don't be ridiculous-"

"The only one being ridiculous here is you! That is not my child, it just cannot be. For years I was careful and you made sure that I was! I'm not an idiot Kinjal, dont fucking try-"

"Well its not like we were trying on purpose, I mean pregnancy for me at this age? Please, I didn't even want my first pregnancy," she said with a roll of her eyes.

I looked up at her with tear filled eyes.

"What makes you think I want this one," she scowled.

"Then get a fucking abortion!"

"And miss an opportunity to benefit off of you? As if!"

Arnav looked at her with disbelief.

"I told you Arnav, you're mine. I helped you start up your business with my money-"

"I paid you back that shit-"

"With interest and interest, I know..."

Once again my stomach churned at her innuendo words.

"...but did you really think I was going to just let you go so easily?"

Arnav clenched his fists at his sides.

"Oh baby, the... luxury I receive from you, do you really think I'm going to go back to a... simpler life? As if! And now that I have your child in my womb, I'm not going to spare you at all."

"You disgust me," Arnav sneered.

"And yet you always came back for more," she grinned.

She opened up her clutch and retrieved a folded paper from it. "I expect full support on this Arnav, and if you don't, I will announce to the entire world that I am pregnant with your child. I can only imagine how crazy the media will go from such news. I wonder if my sister and my brother in law will ever look at you in the same way again, either," she feigned wonder before shrugging. "Ah, oh well!"

Reaching for Arnav's hand, she placed the folded paper in her hand. As much as I wanted to attack her from touching Arnav again, I was still too in shock to move.

"I'll contact you when I need my funds. Until then...."

She tried to move closer to Arnav to kiss him, but he took a big step back to get away from her. She simply chuckled before turning her gaze on me.

"Toodles, daughter of mine," she waved, and she walked away, the clicks of her heels echoing in my ears.

Arnav muttered and grunted, then he yelled and tossed the paper she had handed to him on the ground. It opened up right before me and seeing its contents snapped me back into gear, and I bent down to pick it up. It wasn't just any piece of paper, but a photograph from a ultrasound. The bottom left corner stated her name, and I stared at the fetus that was in this photo.

Without another thought, I ran into the bathroom and hurled out whatever I had ate. I felt Arnav behind me, holding my hair back as I released my guts into the beautiful marble white sink. After a few moments passed, I had finally emptied the entirety of my stomach. My grip on the sink was so tight, my knuckles were as pale as my face. I turned on the water to get rid of the contents, splashing cold water on my face and arms, while I felt Arnav rub my back and mutter words to me, but I couldn't focus on them.

This entire time, the woman I had heard so much of was none other than my birth mother. And now not only have a I discovered that my husband had been involved with my birth mother in the past, but my birth mother was now pregnant with my husband's child - pregnant! With my husband's child!

The room began to spin around me and I collapsed, the last thing that I could see or hear was Arnav hunched over me, yelling my name.

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