Chapter Twenty Three

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Waking up the next morning, I didn't find Arnav beside me.

Where did he go?

But then I noticed the clock and holy shit it was almost 1 PM. 1! I haven't slept in this late since college! And that was on a sleep recovery day!

How the hell did I manage to sleep this late- oh!

The moment I shot up in bed, I felt a soreness and pain in between my legs, blasting me back to what had happened the night before.

Wait we... we actually....

Blush appeared on my cheeks and made me feel warm.

Arnav and I have actually done it, him and I... I can't believe it!

I was just too giddy, grabbing onto Arnav's pillow with joy! And remembering Arnav's confession for his love for me made me even giddier!


But wait, where is he? Looking around the room, all I saw were our clothes on the floor, well, except for Arnav's sweats, which were gone. But my eyes were glued to his black t-shirt laying on the floor.

Should I? ...why the fuck not?

Slowly getting out of bed, I picked up his shirt and made my way to get ready for the day. Once I was all washed up, I put on Arnav's T-shirt and went looking for him. It wasn't long before I found him, in the kitchen, in nothing but his sweats.

Good lord, am I lucky to have this Adonis as a husband or what? I still can't figure out what I did to deserve this.

Especially because not only did I get an Adonis, but a chef as well.

That's right - Arnav Singh Raizada is cooking.

I think my fat ass may have failed to put can cook on my list of Mr. Perfect's qualities, only because I didn't want to feel like I was some fat pig, but fuck it, I should've wrote it because it's important for a man to know how to cook, and my lord, seeing Arnav do his thing was making me horny.

That's right, I'm offically a horndog. I've only had sex one time in my life, and now I'm letting my sexuality be more, er, fluid.

Is that even right? Eh, what the heck do I know?

I made my way over to him and judging from the smell, whatever he was making was going to be really good!

"Good morning."

Ugh geez why does my voice sound so soft and almost whispery for? Woman up woman!

Arnav turned to me. "Good-"

But he paused the moment his eyes met my only-wearing-his-shirt clad body. My legs were totally on display and by the look on his face, I could tell that he was loving it.

Yes! My plan is a success!

Note to self: get more backless blouses and wear his t-shirts more often.

Lowering the heat on the stove, Arnav walked over to me. He placed his hands at my waist, looking down at me.

"An interesting choice of wardrobe," he said, glancing down at my body.

"It's comfy."

"It is, hmm?"

His hand began to wander down to where the hem met my flesh and traced along there.

"It's also quite distracting," he murmured.

I forced myself not to gasp. "It is," I breathed.

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