Chapter Thirty Nine

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Hours and hours of love-making continued, from the bedroom, to the poolside, the dressing room floor, and the Jacuzzi. We just couldn't keep our hands off of each other, not after how long we were away from each other.

Later that evening, we sat out by the poolside, Arnav in his black silk pajama bottoms while I was only wearing my black silk robe. He had gotten some wine for us, as well as some fruit, cheese, and crackers. I have to admit, I definitely felt somewhat fancy in the moment, but I couldn't think too much about it, not when there were other important matters in hand.

I looked up at Arnav and he looked down at me. He placed a kiss on my head and tightened his hold on me, resting his cheek on my head. I placed my arms around him, hugging him in return, comfy in his lap.

"What are you going to do," I asked softly.

"I don't know," he replied, his tone matching mine.

We didn't say anything for a moment and I reached for a grape, placing it in Arnav's mouth. "She's expecting $10,000 in her bank account."

"I know but... she's lying Khushi, she has to be. I know for a fact that it can't be my child."

My eyebrows met in the middle. "What do you mean?"

"I...." He let out a sigh, reaching for his wine again. "Simply put, the last time I was... physical with her, I didn't do something that could result in her pregnancy."

"What is that even supposed to mean?"

"Khushi you don't want the details."

"Actually, I think I do. If I have a better understanding, then I can help you figure out if she's lying or not."

"But Khushi-"

"But nothing Arnav.'s already disturbing as it is that the woman you had been physical with for years and was molested by was none other than the woman who carried me in her womb for 9 months... so just tell me."

Arnav took a swig of his wine and placed it back on the table. "The thing is we... on that day.... it was at least before a week I had met you when I had broken things off with her."

"I remember; you said you did it because Di was getting serious about you getting married."

"Right, but Kinjal being the way she is, didn't believe me and she... seduced me."

My grip on my wine glass tightened.

"The, er, activities we had done... basically I... I didn't... I-"

"You didn't cum inside of her," I said for him.

I felt Arnav recoil in disgust beneath me. "Not where it's necessary in order for her to have a baby, no."

I looked up at Arnav in confusion. "Meaning?"

"Um... there was anal and oral involved..."

I shuddered in disgust.

"But she mainly... swallowed," he said awkwardly.

I shut my eyes and turned away. Never did I think I would have to hear the details of my husband's past sexual relationships, and yet.... Tingles ran up my spine once more in disgust.

But wait.... "So... if you two only had anal and oral sex... then how could she be pregnant?"

"Exactly. I don't think Kinjal realized this, but that night, she did try to get me drunk, filling me up with wine. I knew her intentions all to well, that's why I would dump my wine whenever I got the chance. She definitely got intoxicated, but I was still in control of myself; I remember exactly what happened that night."

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