May god bless her soul. She is only five years old. 

Below those words was a picture of a little girl wearing a pink tote and white shirt. She looked happy.

Danielle swallowed hard. This was the girl she met just then! Suddenly, Danielle felt dizzy.

“Danny? Are you okay?”


Why did she see that girl? Was there a sign of something?

The elevator opened. Danielle stepped out quickly. She went to her mother’s room.

“Hello?” Danielle pushed open the doors.

“Danny?” Stephanie stood up. She was reading a story book.

Danielle stepped inside, Charlotte following her from behind. Her mother was asleep.

“Has she been asleep for long?”

“About an hour or so.”

“Oh. What did the doctors said?”

“I don’t know. They told Mrs. Jane, not me.”

“Oh, she came here too?”

“She was the one who bought mom here.”


Then, Mrs. Roberts woke up. “Danielle?”

“Yes mom.” Danielle hurried to her mother side.

“How-? Why are you here?”

“I came back when I heard that you’re sick.”

“But how about-?”

“shh.” Danielle smiled. “Greyson’s okay with it. He sends his regards to you.”

Mrs. Roberts sat up. She looked around. Charlotte waved at her.

“How are you mom?”

“I'm fine.” She smiled.

“No mom, I mean, how are you, really? How are you? Annie said that you’ve been bothered about something?” Danielle sat next to her mom. Charlotte and Stephanie went outside, giving them privacy.

“I, I was thinking about your dad.”

Danielle wasn’t surprised. “What were you thinking about dad for?”

“You see,” Mrs. Roberts cleared her throat. “I was on the internet a few weeks ago,”

“What were you doing on the net? I thought you didn’t like to use it?”

“I didn’t, but I was reading about you and Greyson,”

“Why were reading about me and Greyson for? What did you read?” Danielle blushed. I t was embarrassing to know that her mom sees her pictures kissing Greyson or hugging him or worse.

“I wanted to know what you and Greyson are doing.” Mrs. Roberts smiled.

“Okay, okay, can you get on with your story please?”

“Okay, so, I was on the internet reading about you and Greyson when I found an article with your father’s name as the title.

I clicked it and a page opened. It was called, The Fallen. It wrote about actors or singers who has lost their fame.” Mrs. Roberts paused.

“There was also an article about Justin Bieber.” She chuckled.

“mom.” Danielle rolled her eyes.

“Okay, so I read the article about your dad. It says that your dad didn’t married another woman and didn’t came back as I thought, no, it said that you father was lost while he and his crew went fishing in the desserts.”

“You can go fishing in the desserts?” Danielle raised her eyebrow.

“I don’t know, maybe there’s a stream there or something,” Mrs. Roberts stopped. “But the article said like that, and it said that they searched for your father was every day but no one found him. It said that they were afraid either your father fall into the stream or he wandered into the dessert and got lost or something.”

“So you’re trying to say that?”

“There’s a chance that your father is still alive.”

“What? No mom. That happened twenty years ago.” Danielle frowned.

“It’s not impossible.”

“Then this is good news then.” Danielle frowned again. “But why are you worried?”

“Well, if your father is alive, then why didn’t he come home? It’s been twenty years already.”

Danielle kept silent.

“I miss your father so much Danny. You don’t know how much I miss him.” Mrs. Roberts eyes starts to water. “I could go to sleep without thinking about him. Every day.” She wiped her tears.

“I love him as much as you love Greyson, Danny, so you know how I feel.”

Danielle remained silent.

“I know mom, I know.” She hugged her mother. “I hope he comes home soon, if he’s still alive.”

Danielle looked at her mom. That was an impossible dream. A hope that would never come true. Her dad has never come back for twenty years, and now he would suddenly show up? It was impossible.

But still, she agrees with her mother. There’s no wrong in hoping.  Danielle thought. Everything has a chance. She smiled.

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