Chapter Twenty Nine: The Program [PT.3 Final]

Start from the beginning

Ghris: "come on canak, is that all you got?"

Hawkeye: "not really comrade." all the sudden bullet penetrate the floor and hit Ghris taking him out.
Announcer: "three defenders remaining."
Hawkeye: "nice job kid."
Alex: "rog- *bang*"
Announcer: "one attacker remain." Hawkeye remaining as he enter the second floor seeing its all clear but felt a presents that someone was in there before shoot through a wall.
Mozzie: "OW ME BALLS!!!"
Announcer: "two defenders remaining."
Hawkeye: "bullseye." he push up into the objective and see the bomb.
he pulls out the defuser but interrupted by Enzio who he shot and take out.
Enzio: "im hit!"
Announcer: "one defender remain." then Hawkeye was tackled by Crow into the hall where the crowd and VIPs see them in CQC through the glass.
Jake: "aw shit, who's gonna win this round?"
Stacy: "moneys on Crow."
Jake: "deal."
Andrew: "i can't tell, it's interesting to see them fight."
Yuanji: "wait Colonel Thach is your father?"
Andrew: "you didn't know he's my dad?" she looked at the white man and nod.
Andrew: "well then."
Meanwhile Crow and Hawkeye are in a fight with Crow throwing the punch which hit the bulletproof glass that crack.
Crow: "stay still for me!"
Hawkeye: "make me!" all Crow can do is tackle Him but was pushed off then Hawkeye noticed a gernade pin on Crow's finger.
Hawkeye: "fuck- *boom*"
Announcer: "Defenders win the round." hearing that the crowd cheered on as Crow walk out with Hawkeye talking him to the his team benches and see Marcus and Edger covered in white powder.
Crow: "here's your leader." then walks back to his team bench.
Marcus: "damn what happen to you?"
Hawkeye didn't say a word just shook the powder off him.
Hawkeye: "need new plan, we're sticking together."
Marcus: "who's got an idea?"
Raphael: "not it."
Alex: "your the one with bright ideas, what's your call?" Marcus thought of it before the bulb in his head turns on.
Marcus: "i got an idea but... is has B in it."
Hawkeye: "What has a B in it?"
Alex: "you mean?" They look at Marcus smiling and smuging.
Hawkeye: "i don't like that smile."
Raphael: "me neither."

(Minutes Later)

Announcer: "Attackers defuse the bombs or eliminate hostiles."
Crow: "alright youngbloods here they come!" taken position at the second floor they waited for the attack then waited for almost a minute then another minute that they didn't came.
Enzio: "we're are they?"
Crow: "i don't know."
Cai Wenji: "let me check."
Enzio: "I'll go with you." Both of the couple walk to the hallway approach the door as Enzio open and see no one coming in.
Cai Wenji: "all clear." before she can hear the response, Crow's word we're muffled not hearing what he's saying.
Cai Wenji: "what did you say!" all the sudden she and Enzio was blasted by gernades as Edger rushes in to bash Mozzie out of the way with his shield while absorbing the bullets coming from Crow and Ghris. Then Crow was shocked by a drone which he was knocked by Hawkeye and Yuri meeting with Edger's flash shield and knocked out leaving the Attackers winning the round.
Announcer: "Attackers win the round." the the crowd cheered again as the attackers exit the building.
Hawkeye: "... i don't want to question it."
Marcus: "told you, now... you know the deal."
Hawkeye: "*sigh... you can date my daughter." hearing the approval the boys cheered and carry Marcus around.
Meanwhile In the VIP section, the operators we're surprised.
Andrew: "that is a Rush B moment."
Zhen Ji: "oh dear, will she be ok?"
Ela: "she will be fine."

(Hours Later brought to you by Mercy Accidentally getting an ace with a Nitro Cell she forgot she dropped.)

MatchPoint with both teams tied with Marcus and Alex the last ones remaining with Crow roaming somewhere. Marcus came to the room with the bomb and started Planting the defuser with all of the sudden he felt a barral behind the back of his head.
???: "Put the gun down youngblood." Marcus turn his head to see Crow with a pistol aiming at him.
Crow: "Marcus..."
Marcus: "Crow..." what seems lost the wall next to them was breached with Alex shooting at Crow then he hip fired his MG at Alex getting close enough to throw his gun at Alex and shot him multiple times with his pistol. Marcus sees the opportunity and kick his leg to make him kneel then punch his throat disarming him and using his own gun to aim behind his head.
Marcus: "sorry dad." he pulled the trigger that ended the match and a victory for the Attackers.
Announcer: "Attackers had won the match." the crowd Cheered as the attackers climb to the top of the tower and wave at them. The operators watching cheered for the team but mostly cheered for both teams contribution. they saw Crow leaving the building and look up the victors and Hawkeye getting his attention. they look at eachother for a few seconds before saluting at the same time hearing the crowds roar of approval The (DW) Ladies had confused faces until Harry explains what are they doing.
Harry: "solders are showing respect to eachother, to soldiers to veterans to leader."
Chunhua: "it shows pride and their devotion... very good."
Dokkaebi: "then you should see the Chinese army parade, they're are the greatest that made the American president jealous and try to set up an one which was too expensive."
Yuanji: "he must be a weak one."
Ela: "no he isn't, he's a dumbest one, i will tell you about him later."
Yuanji: "you have my curiosity, we will."
Meanwhile from the crowd a man watching the match but has other plans.
???: "i see the target, are you sure he said to take him out?... affirmative, it will be done... yes sir..."


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