Ch. 28: Should I tell Her?

Start from the beginning

Beca averted her eyes once again, an unsure look upon her. Neither of them spoke for a moment until Jesse broke the silence.

"Look, whatever it is that's going on with you, you're gonna hafta figure it out, because... I can't do this anymore"

Beca furrowed her eyebrows.

"Do what?"

Jesse glanced down both sides of the hallway and back in his room to see who all was around. There was only Benji in his little magic box. Jesse stepped outside and shut the door behind him.

"Alright, look, you know how much I love being your sidekick, it's a dream come true for me. But you have no idea how hard it is, watching what this does to you, what it turns you into. And I try to help you and be there for you however I can, but I can't do enough. I'm not that special somebody that can take all your problems away just by being in the same room with you. I can only do so much and take so much. But now, I'm at the end of my rope here, Beca. And I am not going to just stand here and watch you turn into everything that isn't you"

Beca just stood there in silence, not believing this and wishing she had known this much sooner.

"Jesse, I...I had no idea"

"Of course not, you never asked or just talked to me, or Amy, about it"

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"I've wanted to, but talking to you isn't as easy as it used to be"

Beca sighed through the nose as she thought about everything he just said. He had a solid point and she hasn't felt like herself in a long time. She never thought it would've affected her friends so much. She should have known though and felt even more guilty for not realizing this.

"I'm sorry, Jesse. Really, I... I never wanted things to turn out this way. This all just keeps getting harder and harder. It's too hard now" she slowly backed into the wall, feeling lost and overwhelmed.

"Beca" Jesse said after a minute of feeling bad for his best friend. "I think you and I both know this was never really about Luke, or your secret or any of that other stuff; it's about Chloe"

That notion got Beca to face back up, looking him straight in the eye. It brought her back to what he said about that "special someone", the person Beca truly needed to lean on during moments like these. This raised a question that Beca had been asking herself time and time again, even during the break after their split, and Jesse knew what it was too.

"Go on, ask me" he nodded and Beca gave in.

"Should I tell her?"

"Yes! Or at least give her an explanation"

Beca averted her eyes again, getting lost in this complicated debate in her head. Of course she wanted to tell her, but she still couldn't help but wonder if it would be right.

"I know it's scary, but every relationship has its struggles and its risks. You work through em"

"I would be risking her life, Jesse"

"No, you wouldn't. She would be risking her life because it's hers to risk, not yours"

"That's the problem" Beca revealed. "I don't want her to risk her life for me"

"Well, I'm sorry Beca, but that's not your choice to make. Her life, remember? And besides, you never asked for anyone's permission to save them, so why does she need yours?"

Jesse really was some kind of smart. Beca was silent for another moment as she struggled to decide on the right choice to make. This was truly the hardest decision she has ever had to make.

"I know you think you're doing the noble thing and protecting her, but you're really just robbing her of that choice; and yourself at a happy life"

"But what if she dies? Or ends up deciding she can't handle it?"

"Beca, nobody is better at keeping people safe than you are. Trust in your ability to do that and that'll never happen. And if she can't handle it, then you'll know you tried, and not spend the rest of your life wondering what if"

Beca looked as if she wanted to say yes, but just couldn't bring herself to do it. Jesse stepped a little closer before continuing.

"Look, you can't keep doing this to yourself. You're gonna be miserable for the rest of your life if you don't at least try. And you don't deserve that, nobody does. You deserve to have the same happiness that everyone else does. After all, you assure so many other people get theirs, so why not get your own? Nobody, especially not someone as kind, caring and amazing as you, deserves to be alone"

Now Beca was in tears. Jesse's moving words really had a way of revealing things to her. She wanted to take that bold step and tell Chloe everything. But she was still scared, still unsure if she was ready, or if Chloe was either.

"What if I can't?"

"You can, and you will. Just don't be afraid and hold on to her. Now quit making me monologue and go get your girl back" Beca scoffed from that ending. "I'm serious, and I'm sick of listening to your problems and watching you cry" he laughed and so did she as more tears drew.

"You are an ass" she laughed.

A second went by before Beca leaned in for a hug. Jesse gladly accepted it and let his best friend cry on him for a little bit, telling her she would be OK. This was all a lot for Beca to take in; what had happened, the guilt, the regret, that she didn't know all this before, and that she was going to face Chloe again after all that and finally, tell her everything.


Chloe was able to leave the hospital before much longer. Do to the surgery, she couldn't speak for a short period, but hopefully wouldn't need to. She texted her family as she walked out the front entrance, letting them know it went well. But before she had the chance to put her phone away, her phone started ringing.

It was a call from Beca.

Chloe gasped as she didn't expect to hear back from her so soon, if at all. She couldn't answer since she couldn't talk, but she told Beca she may not. She sat on the nearest bench and anxiously waited for the call to end, hoping she would leave a message. It took a minute for the phone to stop ringing and each second afterwards dragged on. She hoped Beca didn't forget, or started having second thoughts. After a moment of nothing, Chloe decided that was it and was about to give up. That was, until her phone signaled for the newly received voice message. Chloe would've yelped if she could have, but settled for wildly excited breathing. Her heart was racing and her palms were sweaty and her breath rushing as she opened her voicemail and slowly brought the phone to her ear.

"H-Hey Chloe, uh... I got your message... and uh... th-thankyou for it, it was really kind and brave of you"

Chloe smiled as she listened to her message, having missed that sweet voice, especially when she was adorably nervous.

"So listen, uhm... I just want to let you know that... if you're serious... and if Aubrey's OK with it, I'll come back to the Bellas. Also, um... I have a favor to ask. *takes deep breath* When you get back here, I'd like for come by my dorm room. I uh... I wanna tell you....."

Chloe anxiously listened closely, waiting for Beca to finish her sentence. It took a minute of Beca gaining courage through deep breaths and small sobs, but she finally finished with...


After that, the message ended and Chloe let out a sigh of disbelief. She did it, she got through to Beca, and was finally going to get the answers she's been waiting for. She had to sit there for a few minutes to process and accept what she just heard. Once she did, she stashed the phone in her purse and jumped to her feet. She had to hurry and get well and get straight back to N.Y.U.

A/N: Stay tuned and find out how it goes down ;-).

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