The rest of the day dragged by so slowly. It didn't help that I was still getting them ridiculous phone calls. No talking, just breathing from the other end. I had to tell Addy about the phone calls as she was in my office when I got some of the phone calls. When Stef comes back tomorrow I will have her look into it for me.

I helped Addy into her coat and we locked up our offices for the day. Driving back home I twined my fingers with hers. While driving I noticed a black car behind us, following us. I looked for the number plate but there wasn't one. I sped up a little but not much as I didn't want to alert Addy to it. As I pulled up to the security gate that was for my property the black car sped past. I tried to get a glimpse at who was driving but couldn't see anything due to the black tinted windows.


Addison's Pov

It was Saturday today which only meant one thing. No work.

I had made plans with Nate to spend the day with him. I got up got showered and dressed in a pair of jeans and a grey jumper. I applied my makeup subtly and threw my hair up in a messy bun, sprayed myself with perfume and headed downstairs to find a shirtless Brax in the kitchen.

I couldn't help my self and let my eyes wonder over the perfect sight in front of me. I walked up behind Brax, wrapped my hands around his waist laying them flat on his stomach and placing a kiss between his shoulder blades. He put his coffee down and turned in my arms to face me with a smile on his face.

"You all ready for your day out with Nate?" He asked as he wrapped his arms around my waist, staring down at me.

"Yes. I'm actually looking forward to seeing him and spending time with him." I smiled.

With everything that had gone on, I had spent time with Nate but not in a way where we could be ourselves. So today was a day for us to just be us and enjoy ourselves.

"Enjoy today with Nate because tonight you're mine." He says as he captures my lips with his. I melt into his embrace as he deepens the kiss and wraps me tighter in his arms. "That's just a taster of what is waiting for you later." He breathes.

"I can't wait." I say breathlessly smiling.

With one last kiss I say goodbye and head out the door. I drive to Nate's house to pick him up.

"Good morning, beautiful girl." Nate chirps happily as he gets in the car and sits in the passenger seat.

"Good morning." I smile.

"What's on the agenda today? Where do you want to shop?" Nate asked excitedly.

"Wherever calls to us as we walk past." I smiled back.

"Oh, goody." He beamed as he clapped his hands. "We need to go to Victoria Secret to buy you some fresh new sexy lingerie for your fine specimen of a man."

"I knew you were going to mention lingerie." I laughed.

On the drive to the mall, we listened to music and sang our hearts out and talked about random things and how we had both been. I parked the car, we both got out and walked into the huge two level mall that housed most of the shops you could think of.

We headed to Victoria's Secret first where I think I spent the majority of my wages. We went into shops that we didn't necessarily need anything in but looked anyway. After a few more shops where items of clothing were brought we decided on a quick lunch to refuel so we could carry on shopping. For lunch we went to Nate's favourite place which was Frankie & Benny's. The boy couldn't get enough of the place.

We continued shopping once we had finished lunch. Nate dragged me into the spa and while there I had a bikini wax and a manicure and pedicure.

"When is Brax going to put a ring on your finger?"

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