Confession #138

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"When i was younger (about 6-7 years old), I watched random videos on Youtube without my parents' consent. Videos of Mickey Mouse, Dora The Explorer, you know, kid shows. But one day, i found this video, a tall creature, tendrils, fancy suit, but i didn't know who it was. Some days after, i got curious about him, so i continued watching those kinds of videos. And still, with 0% of my parents' consent. July 2019, when i was 11 years old, i remembered those videos when i was younger since i had a dream about that exact creature. So, i went to Youtube to look for them and stumbled upon "I Eat Pasta For Breakfast". I thought it was a weird title for a series, so i watched it. Only then was when i got to know the creature's name: Slenderman. I also got to know a few other CPs too! At first, i thought BEN was actually Link, and the creator of the comic just gave him random abilities and looks. Lulu, she seemed like a big sister. After i finished that certain comic, i decided to go further and do some research. Then, i found Wattpad, home of stories, writers and readers. I started reading books (about the CPs), some "X Readers" every now and then i got pretty into CreepyPasta. I enjoyed the books, so, i made an account of my own. I know it's weird, but, ever since i entered the CP Fandom, i've actually gotten better grades, gained the ability to read a big (but not TOO big) book in 1 day and got happier. I feel like the CreepyPastas are my 2nd family. ...Until now, my parents still have no consent about my researches about the CPs, my Wattpad account and that i'm in the CP Fandom. As far as i know, i'm never going to tell them. Not even when i'm older."


*This was too big for a photo😢*

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