Chapter Nine: Bittersweet

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Six months later

The evening was slowly turning night when Gabriel abruptly stopped hammering nails into a wall. He could faintly hear his daughter sing while pouring milk in her bowl of cereal the kitchen.

Her lips were sealed tight ever since Gwen passed away. She spoke so little.

Seeing her slowly getting back up since then gave him reason to carry on.

He was so proud of her. She carried her strength during the days when life did nothing but wreak havoc on her little heart. She was weak yet fierce at the same time. She had lost hope of better days yet kept her faith intact and kept going on. And most of all, she got back up when she was knocked down, rising higher than before. He was proud of the person she was growing into, one who didn't let herself succumb to the cruelty of this world.

She made her way into the living room with the bowl in her hand and sat down. After a thoughtful moment she said, "Dad let's go meet mum, shall we?"

He gave a little smile and nodded in agreement.

They walked towards the cemetery in silence.

As they neared to her grave, they slowed down, knees as weak as their vigor that day. Their hearts thumping against their chests like machine guns in war. It felt like a bazillion years since the last time they saw her.

They arrived. At the backside amongst others, there she was. The stars above the graves offered solace to its visitors. The moonlight gleamed softly on her name. They were here, right beside her, and it was as silent as a forest that forgot to rustle its leaves.

Gabriel placed the flowers while April dusted dirt off her mother's headstone.

They stood quietly; while April had her hand wrapped around her father's arm and rested her head on his shoulder.

Gabriel sighed and squeezed her hand lightly.

It's peaceful. It's peaceful now.

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