Chapter Four ./ Downfall (i)

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April's parents shared an intimacy that even Majnoon would want to attain with Laila. The story of which the sun would narrate from a book to the moon during their rendezvous. They were like the rhythm of a flute designed to melt them into a melody together. Their love never wore out, it was as fresh as the morning dew drops that dance on the leaves, never losing itself to the essence of time.

Her father, Gabriel, was everything that contradicted with her mother's beliefs, Gwen. Yet somehow her heart yearned for him like the horizon of the sky awaits for a momentary union with the sun and bursts into shades of crimson. Gwen couldn't decide to call it love or a battle with her morals.

What he spoke, was incomprehensible to her mind. For she would be in awe of his voice, not angelic but soothing; like the chilled breeze after the pouring of a rain. Peaceful, like the gushing of a sea on the laps of the shore. And calming, like a seam of air immersing itself in the silence of a thoughtless night.

Love, she decided to call it love.

Gabriel was no less of a lovesick fool either. He would say that her eyes were like a kaleidoscope. Each time, they hold a different wonder to see. Each time, giving him a new reason to live. He mentioned her name in every supplication like a holy verse. She wasn't just a prayer but a path that led him to worshipping. He was like the water that travelled oceans just to reach her shore. He'd become a traveler in reaching the sanctity of her pilgrim. He stood in front of her sacred sanction, waiting to meet her like anticipating for a prayer to be answered. He was his own person, but his sense of belonging came from only her. 

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