"You want salmon or turkey for dinner tonight?" Quill called from the kitchen, but I didn't get a word in as he added. "I'd have to go out for Salmon and I don't want to get out today. We'll have turkey."

'Then why ask?' I thought sarcastically. My mind wandered as I had nothing to do. Life here was extremely boring, but also extremely cautious. If I provoked him wrong in any way I'd end up getting hurt. If I accidentally damaged something in the house, I'd get hurt. Quill was like a ticking bomb, set to go off even at the slightest touch.

The sound of barking had me getting up from the couch. I'd always wanted a dog, but my parents hadn't liked animals and Quill was allergic. He said we could get a fish, but then he said that the tank was too dangerous for me to be around. Almost everything that he said I could have, he found a way to make it 'too dangerous' for me.

I got close to the window again. The balcony extended from the other side of the living room. This window had a nice view of the park below. I pressed my face into the glass and scanned the ground for the dog. When I saw it, something inside of me changed. The large German Shepherd was sitting down, no leash, no collar, no owner. His big brown eyes seemed to find mine even though I was 15 floors above the ground. He barked a few more times and I looked behind me to make sure Quill wasn't there.

I couldn't remain here. That dog looked magnificent and it felt like he was waiting for me. Maybe I was just seeing things and it was a sign. A sign that I needed to get out of here. A sign that I needed to take care of myself and not rely on someone who's eventually going to damage me to the point that I break. Or it was a hallucination and all this isolation was driving me mad. But that didn't seem to matter either. All I wanted was to get out.

Quietly, I grabbed the vase from the table by the couch. It was one of the few 'dangerous' things that Quill allowed me to be near. The vase was partially glass and partially stone. It held fake flowers in it, so I tossed those onto the couch. I had only so little time to go through with this plan. A plan that I'd made up on the spot. I could hear Quill moving in the kitchen and my nerves were on edge. I knew he was coming back. Taking his time, but coming back. He would catch me and stop me and I'd get hurt. I just wanted to be my own person. I couldn't take anymore abuse.

With all the strength I had, I propelled the vase towards the window like it was a baseball. Let me tell you that I used to be the best pitcher on the team when I was little. Seems those skills hadn't left me as the vase smashed through the window and flew a couple feet before plummeting to the ground. The noise immediately caught Quill's attention and my heart rate spiked as he seemed to appear right behind me.

I was 15 floors up. A jump from this height would kill me. Not thinking anything through and not giving Quill any chance to grab me, I followed the vase, but instead of jumping, I turned backwards and pushed myself feet first out the window. My hands were holding onto the window ledge and then I felt Quill's hand on mine, but I couldn't stay with him!

I let go of the window ledge and let myself drop like dead weight. My arms burned, dragging on the bricks of the building as I tried to grab onto something - anything to keep me from dying when I hit the ground. I could feel the building digging into my flesh and rubbing away my skin on my arms and knees.

I was going to die.

At least death would be better than living with Quill.

My feet hit on a balcony ledge and I hooked my hands onto the stone of the ledge at the last second. My fingers screamed in pain and the undersides of my forearms were shredded. Blood was running from them like Niagra Falls. I clenched my jaw and pulled myself up onto the small balcony. I pressed my back into the glass of the door and looked down. Three seconds later and I would have hit the ground like a bug hitting the windsheild.

Reigning in my frantic breathing, I was lucky to find the door to the balcony unlocked. I took off running through the random apartment the moment I had a steady balance. No one was home and I made a quiet exit through their front door, hurrying to the elevator and feeling relief as when it opened, Quill wasn't on it.

I waited impatiently as the elevator took me to the first floor and then, without hesitation, I swarmed out through the lobby and rushed out into the street out front. Cars blared their horns as I barely managed to weave through them. Another bark and I located the same german shepherd from before standing in the grassy park, watching me.

Pain forgotten, I stumbled towards it, not caring about the onlookers or the trail of blood I was leaving behind me. Evidence would be my best thing to use against Quill to get the help I needed to get away from him. He was probably already in the lobby, taking his time to find me as he came up with some story to tell the cops. I could hear the sirens wailing. Someone must have called them.

Although I didn't have to worry about Quill or anyone much longer. I took another step and the dog from earlier disappeared. With his disappearance, everyone else disappeared and I found myself unable to fight the darkness that consumed me.

Aliens: My Alien,  DaeusWhere stories live. Discover now