Chapter 12: Moonscar Island peppers and The Ghost of Morgan Moonscar

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Shaggy, Scooby, and Ruby all walk into the kitchen of Moonscar Mansion. Scooby sniffs a bowl of cat food and gets disgusted.

"Ryuck!" Scooby says

"Like, forget the cat food, Scoob. There's a lot better chow in this kitchen." Shaggy says taking a lid off a pot as Ruby takes a sniff of what's in it

"Smells great. Isn't this gumbo?" Ruby asks Lena who had been filling cups with lemonade

"You do know your food." Lena answers

"ike, we've travelled the world on our stomachs. Mind if we have a taste?" Shaggy asks

"Of course not. Let me know how you like it." Lena answered to the lanky teen as she walked off to take the lemonade to the others

Ruby puts some of the gumbo into a bowl for Scooby and Shaggy and tries some of it from the serving spoon.

"Not bad....but it needs a little more spice." Ruby says

"Yeah, don't you agree, Scoob?" Shaggy adds as he finished his bowl of gumbo

Scooby had practically slurped his down and nodded in agreement.Ruby opened the pantry and turned on the light and grabbed a jar that said, 'Moonscar Island Chili/Gumbo Peppers. WARNING, VERY HOT' on the label and walked over to Shaggy and Scooby.

"These babies ought to do the trick." Ruby said

Meanwhile, in the living room, Fred, Yang, Weiss, Rose, and Blake had each drank some of Lena's lemonade from the cups she had given them.

"Mmm, this is delicious lemonade, Lena." Blake said

"Why, thank you." Lena said as she set the plate with the pitcher and cups down on the coffee table

"So, how long have you worked for Mrs.-" Daphne started before she got interrupted by Shaggy, Ruby, and Scooby's screaming from the kitchen

"Ruby and the guys!!" Velma said as everyone got up to go and see what they screamed about.

When they got there, Shaggy was on his back drinking from a water jug, Ruby had turned on the sink and was getting multiple cups of water and chugging them down, and Scooby was drinking water from a glass pitcher which he somehow got his head stuck in. After Scooby finished the pitcher and his mouth stopped steaming, he managed to get it off but it fell in the floor and broke. Ruby turned off the sink when she was done, and Shaggy had set the jug he was drinking from to the side.

"Like, that was some hot pepper." Shaggy said after he got up

"Those are Moonscar Island peppers." Rose said after chuckling a bit

"I wasn't exaggerating when I said they were the hottest peppers in Louisiana." Simone stated

"With all the screaming...." Fred started

"We thought you might've seen a ghost!" Yang finishes

"If we do, you'll be the first to know." Shaggy said as Lena swept the broken glass into a dustpan

"Sorry about the interruption, Mrs. Lenoir." Ruby apologizes

"Please, call me Simone. Shall we continue the tour of the house?" Simone asks as she leaves the kitchen

"Great, Mrs. Simone." Daphne says as everyone else left

"Maybe you two should stay away from those peppers." Ruby said as she went off to join them

"No problem. We'll just stick with the gumbo. If you don't mind Lena." Shaggy says as Lena puts the broken glass into the trash can

"Of course not. I'm glad you like it, help yourselves." Lena says as she walks off to join the others

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