🌺06 ~ Save Me🌺

Start from the beginning

"Like what?" Katsuki asks as he grabs Izuku's hands in his, shooting stars starting to fly above them.

"When I woke up and my mom was with me, she really wanted me to get the surgery. She and I got into an argument actually," Izuku starts as he felt his heart quicken in beat. "She practically forced it on me, demanding that I get the surgery because she didn't want me to die. She thought I was suicidal because I said I didn't want the surgery, and well... maybe I am," Izuku says in a whisper as a tear trickles down his cheek.

Katsuki reaches up and wipes the tear away. Flowers started to grow around them. "She's your mom. Of course she'd be scared. A lot of parents would be,"

"Yeah I know... I'm being selfish aren't I?" Izuku says as more tears spill. Katsuki props himself up into a sitting positing and Izuku shifts slightly.

"Perhaps... but is it selfishness or salvation?"

"I want to be free of this disease. I want to be able to love someone, and I want them to love me with just as much care. I want to be able to kiss someone and feel the butterflies dance around me," Izuku says and the flowers that grew around them grew taller and taller. Butterflies started to dance around them. "I want to have everything in a relationship and feel it. I want to feel. And all I feel is pain..."

Izuku started crying and he hugged Katsuki by leaning down and setting his head on his chest.

Izuku looked up to see flowers. So many of them talk and peering over the two. They grew bigger than them, and their thorns were encasing them. Izuku started to freak out. He tried to stand up but Katsuki grabbed his arm and Izuku looked back at him and gasped sharply.

His face had veins all over them. Green and ghastly. His arms had thorns breaking through the skin, and Izuku saw the flowers above them drop down. He was going to be crushed.

     "Stay with me,"

     The flowers fell on top of them.


     Izuku woke up coughing and choking. He vomited flowers and blood on his bedsheets and he felt a hand on his back. Izuku felt another attack and he started coughing again. Then he felt a bucket under him and he threw up. Again. And again. And again.

     "Who's here..?" Izuku asks as he was trying to get his voice back and the taste of blood out of his mouth.

     "Todoroki. I stayed the night because I was worried." Todoroki says as he removes the bucket and helps Izuku out of bed. "I suggest you take a shower, and stay here today,"

     "I need to go to school—"

     "You'll die." it was silent. "Whoever you love, you obviously love dearly. But spending more time with them will speed the process,"

     Izuku then got a fresh pair of clothes, something that he can wear all day. He really didn't want to stay at the dorms, but Todoroki was right. Izuku would die quicker. Maybe that's what he was going for.

     Todoroki said that he would wash Izuku's bed sheets. And Izuku just laughed, "Thanks mom," Izuku says and the two share a small chuckle. Before Izuku left, he walked over to Todoroki and gave him a hug.

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