Ch 27: The things you figure out under the moon \\ The Chat with a Sassy Cat

Start from the beginning

The loud sound of skin hitting solid rock echoed harshly up the side of the cliff. Russia screamed louder than he ever has before, his heart shattering into tiny pieces at the sight of America's limp and bloody body thousands of miles below him. Tears flowed down Russia's cheeks and sobs racked his body.

Why? Why wasn't it him who fell? America was amazing and meant everything to Russia and yet... Russia could do nothing. Russia did nothing.

Russia curled into a tiny ball, sobbing even more as the cliffside around Russia flashed away.


Russia woke up in a cold sweat. His hands were clammy and fear coursed through his veins. Russia felt tears rolling down his cheeks. Oh god, oh god, that was a dream... more like a nightmare. Russia felt like throwing up, the sight at the end of that dream all too present in his mind.

Speaking of which, Russia's mind flew to America. Russia needed to check on him. Russia didn't care that what he just saw was a nightmare, he needed to see America. He needed to make sure he was ok. He needed to see America's small, cute smile and remind himself that as long as Russia's still alive that dumb dork won't die on him. Russia quickly got dressed and practically ran out the door, not even bothering to tell Ukraine where he was going.

Russia practically sprinted towards America's room and knocked on the door, waiting for an answer. Russia waited for what seemed to be years, only for no answer. Russia knocked again, this time more rapid and anxious, easily displaying Russia's emotions at the moment.

Once again receiving no answer, Russia felt fear choke him. Where was America? Surely the dream wasn't.... No, no, no, that was just a stupid dream. Dreams aren't real. But even as Russia told himself that, he couldn't stop his own fears and anxieties from swallowing him whole. Where was America?!

Russia glanced at the door. He could, theoretically, kick it down or something along those lines. He knew how to with normal doors, but would hotel doors work the same way? Only one way to find out, I guess. There was most definitely a more logical and less aggressive solution to this, but whatever. Russia got into position, ready to kick down the door in three, two, one-

"Hey, Russia!"

Russia, in the middle of kicking a door, paused and consequently stumbled, almost falling down. But, in a rather magnificent show of waving limbs and whatnot, Russia managed to maintain his balance at the cost of looking like a little kid on a balance beam. Russia turned to his head to see the one and only Maple Weed, who was barely managing to keep his laughter in at the sight of the oh-so-serious Russia stumbling and flailing his limbs about like a Magikarp.

Russia instantly became embarrassed, resorting to a poker face, "Hello, Canada." Russia mentally praised himself for remembering Canada's name. No offense to the country, but Canada was so nice and non-offensive that he was kind of easy to forget. After a moment's hesitation, Russia added, "Do you know where America is?" This is Canada. He should know where America is, as the dork's brother and all. Actually, nevermind. Russia had no idea where most of his family was right now, so that wasn't entirely true.

Canada tilted his head a little, "He didn't tell you?"

"No, was I supposed to know?"

"I thought you were, but America must've forgotten," Canada shook his head slightly. "America went over to the Headquarters early. I think he was planning on having a quick conversation with NATO, but I'm not really sure."

Oh, that's why. Russia immediately felt embarrassed. America was fine, he'd just overreacted due to that weird dream. Russia heaved a sigh of relief, at least America's okay. That's all that matters. Russia gave Canada a small nod, "If that's the case, I'll head over to the Headquarters now. Thank you, Canada."

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