My entire timeline is a tribute to my dead siblings. Brandon and Kassidy made such a significant impact on the lives of others that everyone in our hometown town and beyond mourned. Tributes and memorials happened immediately following their deaths. I was constantly bombarded with images of Brandon, Kassidy, and the wreck. Every fucking time I looked at the television, I was being reminded that I was alone.

I scroll, passing the posts from ex-significant others, friends, teammates, coworkers, neighbors, and complete strangers. There are RIPs, stories of their favorites memories together, and reposts of the original news broadcast, announcing our deaths. I continue to scroll, knowing I'm just upsetting myself and pushing myself deeper into this hole.

A notification pops up — a message from Andre, my highschool boyfriend. I haven't seen him since after the accident. He came to visit me one day and asked if I still wanted to do SAT Prep with him. I lost it on him, and we never spoke again.

Today's a hard day for the entire community, but especially you. Thinking about you today. I don't know what you're up to these days, but I hope you've found peace. I'm praying for you. We didn't forget about you.

We didn't forget about you? It sure felt like everyone did. After the accident, all of my so-called friends stopped hitting me up. My grief was too much for them.

Imagine being lucky enough to walk away from the pain. 


I stare smugly at the breakfast spread that was just delivered- French toast, pancakes, waffles, oatmeal, eggs both scrambled and sunny side up, bacon, sausage, fruit, and various pastries.

"What with all this food?" Jeremiah asks, grabbing a piece of bacon.

"It's for Scarlett."

"What? Why does she need all this food? I thought she wasn't pregnant?"

"She not." I laugh. "I have this whole day planned for her starting with breakfast." I'm just waiting for her to come down.

"A whole day? What do you mean?"

"We're going to have breakfast, maybe a little sex. Then I'm going to blindfold her and drive her out to this carnival I rented out. All of us, my family, her friends are going to be there, and it's just going to be a good time." I look at my watch, 11:30. Scarlett needs to get up soon if we're going to make it on time.

Jeremiah stares at me as if I grew two heads while chewing his bacon. "You rented out a Carnival?"


"For Today?"


"Nigga, do you even know what today is?" Jeremiah questions.


"You've got to be kidding me. You dumbass today's the day that Scarlett got in that wreck. You know the one that killed her siblings. Ring a bell?"

"Bro, I know that. Why do you think I'm doing all this?" I've been planning tonight for the past month. I thought Scarlett being surrounded by family and friends would be the perfect way for her to take her mind off of everything.

"Lucas, I know you live in this little rich kid bubble and never experienced loss, but dawg think how ridiculous this sounds? You're taking her to a carnival and surrounding her with YOUR family and friends, expecting her to forget what happened today?"

Okay, when he puts it like that...

"I try not to give you advice about your relationship because you seem to have it all figured out, but this is not the way to go about this. Let the girl grieve without forcing her to do dumb shit. You have no idea how hard today is going to be for her."

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