BLACK Chapter 1

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BLACK Chapter 1

My eyes follow to the man with arms crossed above his chest, he's watching everyone in the hall take their desired seat arrangement. I wonder why his eyebrows are frowned together at only eleven in the morning. His posture is fixed against the brick wall as his unattended expression stays firm to the door, watching students drive in. My eyes follow along his slimed figure as he makes his way down the staircase and to the front of the room. His intensively heavy gaze stays on the clock placed above the wall--he watches it quietly until it strikes a quarter past eleven before he begins the class.

"Welcome." He speaks with a deep voice, an accent lingers behind it.

There's a few mutters from around the room before it all goes silent, he pauses briefly as he inhales, raking one of his hands through his unusual long hair.

"I run a detailed based course. If you are busy conversing amongst yourself's, this will be an extremely difficult time for you and I will rudely ask you to leave. I do this for your own good." His words belt past me as fast as they're spoken. He looks almost angry to be instructing such an early class, I'm brought to be right when he rolls his dark eyes to us.

"I will ask you to hand in mandatory assignments at the end of every month, you will be given three constructed works to provide me and I hope in God each and every one of you completes them." He rakes his hand through the bridge of his neck.

"If anyone has a problem with these arrangement, please don't hesitate to leave. I wont stop you." He gestures to the thick door besides him. When no one takes him up on the offer, he smirks to himself and continues what is going to seem like a very long first lecture. I click the rough of my tongue, sighing loudly to his persisting speech.

"Very well," I hear him say briefly.

"Each case we discuss I expect you to know before hand, if there is anyone asking questions through my lecture...I will have to remove you from my hall. Is that understood?"

The hall goes silent as he prepares himself for today's class. He looks concentrated while examining the case files. There must be over a dozen alone. His large hands handle the evidence with content. He doesn't let his focus get distracted, I take notice in how perfectly he starts to align the slides matching to it's diagram. He's quite possessive. His posture stiffens while flipping through the course work. His forehead creases when an item seems to be misplaced. I can hear the faint curse words he ponders under breath, however he quickly resumes the scowled expression, not giving much of his frustration off.

"Now that we have discussed the basics of this course, I'd like someone to be my assistant."

His voice radiates across the large walls, narrowed eyes rake the rows, searching for his new assistant.


"Get on your knees." The smooth surface of his hands swiftly brush against the sides of my shoulder.He smiles. "Do it for the class, they're watching."

I nod and do what's being said.He smiles--a sly smirk rests between his dimples. "Perfect." He whispers, godly.

"This is how it's done everyone. A victim with the capacity of blood-loss like this one," He flips to the next slide, pushing on the remote placed into his hands. "--here." Professor H points to me. "--would have to be positioned directly facing away from the un-sub, like so. On her knees, face up, with her arms tied back."

Professor H, moves behind me. His height overpowering, distance between our bodies decreasing within seconds.

The fabric of his loosened tie has been somehow wrapped securely around both my wrists. Preventing any movements. I squirm underneath the pressure only to get scowled at in return. I try my hardest to play the role but fail when his grip tightens around my arms.

He continues addressing the class as if my struggle is not into his awareness. Someone from the lecture calls out. "But if the victim suffered blood loss from the lower part of her body, wouldn't she be positioned in a more uncomfortable angel. Rather than on her knees sir?"

Professor H grunts in annoyance to himself, he runs his fingernails against the sharp stumble growing across his face. "I'm getting to that, Reid." He replies not as harshly as I assumed he would, but his temper is still being tested.

The heal of his knee cap snaps to the back of my spine, pushing me forward. My hands being secretly tied give me no assistance as I fall flat to my front. The side of my face holding the frightful fall. The stud in my ear snaps in two, breaking at the point.

I hear a few gasps from the class and someone calls out. "Woah! Is she alright there?" Professor H ignores their remarks, continuing with his display. The clicking of his heals smack against the wooden flooring, creating a rough echo that pounds the inside of my eardrums.

"As I was saying-" He clears his throat. "Before I was rudely interrupted." Professor H looks at the class then back to me.

"Having her laying face front, would be much more ideal for this MO." He flips through the clip art projected, pointing to details police would have missed.

For the next half an hour of the class I'm instructed to position in different parts of the room. Resembling the many victims abused by the same serial killer. Professor H has me frantic on opposite angles to fit the picture. By the end of the lecture, I'm exhausted from the task and in need of a large coffee.

With the majority of the hall exiting the lecture room by now, leaving only Professor H and I behind. I nearly trip on my two feet collecting the loose papers that have fallen from my books. I manage to get to the door in one piece but I'm stopped when he calls my name. He's far away from where I stand, but I know his eyes are plastered on my behind. I turn around, now facing his direct structure. He has a wicked smirk resting on his tinted lips.

"Good work today." The rasp in his voice is hushed, but I still manage to hear the words. "Right, thanks." I look towards the door, anxiously.

He smirks, gathering the last of his belongings and joins me at the foot of the door. His wide green eyes meet mine once again. "Tomorrow is a another day Miss Amelia." His posture stiffens, smirk gone.

"Don't be late," Cold eyes glimpse across the lecture room and he's gone.

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