"It is all too much." He agreed, nodding, turning his head to look at her. "But it isn't anything we can't handle." Evelyn snapped her head to look at him, both giving each other a small grin. Will continued to speak. "Besides, the children are safe and sound with someone who we trust our lives with. One less thing to worry about, right?" He pointed out.

He was right and she knew that. But it didn't mean she felt any better. "I know, you're right but I'm a mother and I just can't help it." She wiggled her chin teasingly. A grin grew on her face as she glanced down at boots before looking straight ahead at the town they were now walking into. "Ever since Henry was born, all I've been doing is stressing and worrying. Then Charlie and Amelia came along and it only grew."

The town was buzzing with people. Street venders and townspeople were stuffed along each side of the road. Of course, of all days, it was market day.

A chuckle came from her husband as the snaked their way through the packed crowd. "I know just as much as you do. I'm a father and stressed maybe not as much as you are but I know the children and Leo will be fine." He squeezed her hand reassuringly. "Trust me, our kids our going to handle a few weeks without us just fine." He added.

Evelyn chuckles. "You're right." They shared a look, still smiling.

"Think of it this way, we're finally going to get some alone time." Will wiggled an eyebrow. It had been quite some time since they had any alone time together. With the children around, planning the trip, Evelyn's parents being gone, they had been so busy.

"This is not a vacation, Will Turner." Evelyn giggled sheepishly, playfully shoving Will's shoulder.

"I know but we could at least enjoy some bit of each other's company." He wiggled an eyebrow. "You know like the nights we have to find somewhere to rest for the night. Find a nice Inn and you are so done with the filth that you just need a hot bath..."

"Will!" Evelyn squeaked, covering her burning face with a free hand.

Her husbands laughter echoed in her ear as she shook her head.

They continued to snake their way through the crowd, keeping their heads down from wandering eyes. To their luck, people ignored them. The citizens of Port Royal were more focused on obtaining their goods than the two pirates slipping past them.

Evelyn had happened to glance up for a mere second, eyes locking with the sign that use to be Mr. Brown's smithy where Will use to work. It had been abandoned after Mr. Brown had passed years ago. Memories flooded her mind of the first time she ever met Jack in that shop. Other memories of her spending countless hours with Will in there began filling her mind as well.

"Do you ever miss it?" Evelyn spoke to Will, shifting her face down at the ground.

"Do I ever miss what?" Will questioned, glancing sideways at her.

"Working at Mr. Brown's? Do you miss those days?" She questioned, moving her head to look up at him.

Will's head snapped in the direction of the abandoned shop. His eyes lit up and he grabbed Evelyn's wrist. "Evelyn, you're brilliant." Turning his body, he pulled Evelyn with him and snaked through the crowd.

"Yes, this is true but what am I brilliant about now?" She questioned as they broke free from the wave of people. Her eyes darted up at the old, grey stone, farmhouse building. Looking up at Will, she watched him quickly observe the crowd to see if anyone was watching. His body slowly turned around, letting go of her wrist to open up the barn-like doors a crack. He motioned her to walk through before slipping inside after her.

"What are we doing in here?" Her voice came out light as her eyes observed the large space. It was covered in dust and hay. For the most part, the smithy was just as it was back when they had last been in there, years and years ago. Only thing that was missing was the donkey.

Forever and Always (Will Turner)Where stories live. Discover now