Chapter 15

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So I was thinking about changing the title of this story, cause lets face it, Derek Hale x Neko is not exactly a good title. So I want y'all to help me come up with a title that fits the story. I want it to be original, not copying someone else's title.

So give me y'all's suggestions please.

And also I wanted to make a better cover for the story, but I have no idea how to make one. Could y'all help me out there too please.


Chapter 15


Derek continued to stare down at me as I lay there frozen and shaking from how nervous he was making me. I have no idea how to react to what he's saying or doing. I don't know what to do! A pleading look came across my face and Derek sighed before moving to sit next to me.

"Why are you so scared?" He asked. I looked away from him and shrugged, refusing to look back at him. He sighed again.

"Is this the first time a guy has tried getting close to you? You don't have to be nervous, I'm trying my best to make you feel comfortable. You don't have to be frightened by me." He said and reached for my hand. I felt his skin come into contact with the back of my hand and, out of impulse, I snatched it away from him. He looked at me with hurt eyes and I immediately felt guilty.

"I-I'm sorry! I just-" I started but he cut me off.

"Your just not used to it. It's alright, I understand." He said and gave me a small smile. I feel like shit now.

"I'm sorry." I whispered out again and lowered my head so my hair fell in my face.

"You don't have to be shy, it's ok." He said and reached out once again to push the hair behind my ear. He watched me intently, analyzing my reactions and studying my responses to things like him touching me.

"I still don't understand how you could like me." I stated in a shaky voice, still not looking up to meet his eyes. I sucked in a breath as he once again tried grabbing my hand. I didn't pull it away this time, but I couldn't stop it from shaking in nervousness. He gently wrapped his big hand around my smaller one and ran his thumb over my knuckles, trying to soothe some of the shaking.

"I don't either. But for some reason I can't stop thinking about you, and when your not around I want to be next to you, and I can't stop wanting to touch you and be close to you." He tried to explain. He moved his other hand to the one he was holding and started running his fingers through mine. A little whimper made it's way up from the back of my throat at his actions. He heard it and looked up at me with a little smile and his eyebrows slightly raised.

"It's alright. Don't be afraid." He said and grasped my hand tighter when I tried pulling it away.

"Does it feel good?" He asked as he continued to run his fingers through mine. It did feel good. It also felt intimate and I didn't know how to react to it, so instead I just sat there quietly but I didn't pull my hand away.

Taking my silence as the answer that it did feel good, he cautiously and slowly brought my hand up to his mouth and kissed my knuckles. My eyes widened and I immediately yanked my hand back and jumped off the bed. He sat there with a surprised look on his face.

"Please stop." I whimpered. " You can't love me. I can't let you love me. I don't want to be the cause of your pain." And with that I walked out the door and down the stairs, leaving Derek in my room.

I headed for the office. I wanted to read to take my mind off things and the office had a giant bookshelf full of books.

I opened the door and walked in, heading straight for the bookshelf. I chose the book I had been in the process of reading and took a seat on the sofa that was against the wall. Opening the book to where I left off, I drowned out my nervousness and the noises and got lost in the book.

It felt like hours later, but I wasn't sure since I always lost track of time when I was reading. I finished the book and stood up to put it back on the shelf. I had just slipped the book back into its place, when I felt a presence behind me and arms wrapped around my waist. My ears flicked and I sniffed the air, recognizing the scent as Derek's. I cussed at myself for letting my guard down. I should of known better. I stiffened when I felt his breath on my ear. And I once again became nervous and started shaking.

"I'm not giving up." He whispered in my ear. I shivered. What can I say I like dudes who put in effort.

"I'm not going to let you get away from me that easily. I want you too much." He whispered and turned me around before pushing my back against the bookshelf. Before I had time to push him away, he pressed his mouth against mine hard, leaving no room for me to get away. The kiss was better than the first one, to say in the least. Where as, the first kiss was nice and gentle, this one was demanding and hard. And I felt myself enjoying it. What can I say, I like dominate men.

I felt him snake his arms around me and pull me into his body as he continued to move his lips against mine. I tentatively moved my mouth in sync with his, just to test how it feels, and the pleasure increased ten fold.

Derek began getting needy after I moved my lips that little bit, and he tried making me do it again. Pushing me tighter between him and the bookshelf, his hand slid up to the back of my head, pushing our lips even harder together. I once again cautiously moved my lips against his and he moaned against my mouth.

I opened my eyes and found him staring at me with his hazel eyes. I felt him lick my bottom lip and watch me intently. But me being the ignorant person I am with these kind of situations, I didn't open my mouth and instead freaked out and pushed his face away. We were both panting and I felt kinda scared as he just stared at me. But soon a smirk found it's way into his face.

"I knew you liked me too." He said. My face turned red and I looked down at my shoes.

"I never said I didn't. I just didn't want to hurt you." I whispered. He smiled wide and lifted my head up with his finger, giving another kiss on the lips.

"It makes me happy that you're concerned about my well being, but I think I can handle you." He chuckled. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Then don't hate me when something bad happens and you decide that you can't handle me anymore. Or if you find someone prettier that doesn't have to cover up her deformities." I said. He frowned at me.

"Stop calling them that. Your ears and tail are not deformities, they're you. And they're partially the reason why I like you so much." He kissed me again. "Now come on, we're supposed to be cleaning my moms house today remember?" He asked. I nodded and then smiled brightly. Derek raised his eyebrows and gave me a weird look.

"Is this going to be another challenge, cause you know, I kinda kicked your werewolf ass last time!" I exclaimed excitedly. He huffed.

"Yes, we are going to make this another challenge. But only because I don't like losing. especially to a girl." He said and grabbed my hand and for once I let him take it. "So let's go."

And with that he ran out the office and out the front door, pulling me along behind him.



Look updates might start coming allot slower because my mom said she's going to stop paying for my phone and it goes out tomorrow or the day after that.

I'm sorry guys!!

Any who vote and comment please!!

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