Chapter 19

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Chapter 19


Derek's POV


Waking up in no clothes covered in nothing but a sheet is not my idea of a happy morning. Why am I naked anyway? I don't remember taking anyone to bed with me so where did my clothes go?

I sat up on the cold metal table I was laying on, confused and wondering what happened. The stainless steel creaked under my weight and dogs started to bark a couple rooms over. Where am I? How did I get here? The smell of disinfectants, antibiotics, and animals filled my nose. Looking around the room, I saw cages and medical tools. Am I in a animal clinic?

At that exact moment, the door opened. A black guy in a white medical coat walked into the room with a clipboard in his hands. I sat there staring at him and as if he felt my gaze, he raised his head from the clipboard he was reading and met my eyes. A kind gentle smile made it's way onto his features.

He took a step forward and I narrowed my eyes at him, letting out a growl. He stopped in his tracks and raised an eyebrow at me.

"I'm gonna need you to calm down, Derek." He said. How does he know my name?

The door behind him opened once more and Uncle Peter walked into the room. My confusion was growing by the second and it was starting to irritate me.

"Derek." I snapped my eyes back to the doctor dude. "I'm doctor Deaton, I'm a veterinarian. How are you feeling?"

"Where's Jesse?" I asked, ignoring his question.

"Your parents and her mom are following her trail. Can you please cooperate with me?" He asked.

"Why am I here?"

"Derek, quit being stubborn and answer the mans questions." Uncle Peter spoke up from his position by the door.

"Why can't he answer my questions, first?" I snapped. "I don't have time for this! I need to help look for Jesse, she needs me!" I hopped off the table with the sheet wrapped around my waist and started looking for my clothes.

"Why would you want to look for her? She crushed your ribcage so bad that you couldn't heal properly and Dr. Deaton had to cut you open and stick the pieces back together just so you could heal!" Peter exclaimed.

"No! You don't understand!" I said still rummaging around. "It wasn't her." I said.

"What do you mean?" Deaton spoke up.

"She has this tattoo scar thing that appeared on her a couple weeks ago. It was doing some pull thing on her and led her to a tree, but this tree was gigantic and I've never seen it before. And when she touched it something happened, I don't know how to explain it!" I said getting frustrated.

"Wait wait. You said you saw a tree?" I nodded. "What did it look like?" Deaton asked.

"What do you mean what did it look like?! It looked like a tree!" I said.

"Was there any unusual qualities about it?" Deaton continued in a calm voice.

I thought real hard. "Yea yea it was so green and still had all of its leaves despite it being winter." I said.

Deaton nodded his head and walked over to one of the cabinets. He pulled out a thick old worn book and sat it on the examination table I had been laying on. He opened the book and started to flip through the pages. I found my clothes thrown in a corner and put them back on before walking to the other side of the table. Peter soon joined as we watched Deaton flip through the book. Peter lifted the cover of the book off the table to read the title.

"Ancient folklore?" Peter said in a mocking tone.

"All stories originate from somewhere." Deaton said back as he stopped on one of the pages. His finger scanned through the passages until he found the one he was looking for. He started reading aloud. "And as the werewolves had killed Felix's family, Felix will kill the werewolves. For on this day, he has cast a spell and cursed all Nekos to protect werewolves until he finds a perfect vessel, in which he will inhabit the body and gain infinite power and wipe out the werewolf population with the very thing they entrust their lives.

The vessel will sprout a scar of the very thing that will be its downfall, called a brand and will be compelled to find it. And only upon skin to skin contact will Felix be able to inhabit his vessel.

The magic Felix was using was too strong and too dark. Forcing him to not wait for his vessel as a man, but as a tree. An all powerful magical tree that came to be known as the Nemeton." Deaton finished. We all stared at him and I felt like I was gonna throw up.

"So do you think Jesse's the vessel?" I asked Deaton.

"If the story is accurate, then I would say yes." Deaton replied honestly. Feeling slightly overwhelmed, I bent over the table and rested my forehead against the cold metal, closing my eyes. But why Jesse? Of all the other Neko's out there.

"Are you feeling alright Derek?" Deaton asked. I nodded my head not looking up. Then I remembered something.

I stood up straight again. "Hold on. The book didn't say anything about the mark on her forehead." I said in realization. Deaton squinted his eyes in curiosity.

"A mark on her forehead?" Peter asked.

I nodded my head. "Yea, when she touched the tree a red and black mark appeared on her forehead. It started glowing and she said her masters are calling her." I said.

"It could be quite possible that someone had put an overlapping spell on the tree that allows them to control Felix once he has taken his vessel. If that is the case, then we've got multiple problems." Deaton said. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

"And say that all of this is true," Peter said. "How do we handle this situation?"

"That I don't know." Deaton admitted.

"How about we just kill her? I think that would make everything move along faster." Peter suggested. I let out a growl and gripped the end of the table hard, feeling it start to dent.

"Nobody is hurting her!" I growled out.

"I agree. But if there is magic involved, then she is the only one who can help herself." Deaton said. "Actually, I think I might be able to whip something up." Saying this Deaton walked back to the counter and started mixing ingredients. Me and Peter stood there staring at his back. Once he was done he faced us again. In his hand was a greenish brown liquid that looked utterly revolting.

"What is that?" Peter asked.

"This is what I like to call liquid adrenaline. It's stronger than the stuff the people doctors give you and it should help her take control of her body again, for just a minute anyways. Just enough time for you to tell her that she's the only one that can save herself. Now the hard part is getting it down her throat."



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