Chapter 22

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Did y'all hear about Derek not being a main character for season 5! I'm crying, no I'm not. But I'm not happy about it.


Derek's POV


Her scent was stronger than ever, meaning that she was close. Peter had turned back a little while ago. If it was to get reinforcements or so he didn't get involved, I don't know. I just know that I'm about to finally see Jesse again. That single thought was able to make excitement flood my veins and a smile made it's way onto my face.


Breaking through the woods, I stumbled upon a clearing. But as I looked up and observed my surroundings, I soon figured out I wasn't the only thing there. There was all kinds of beasts, and they were all snarling at me.

The thing that caught my attention the most wasn't the Kanima's or other werewolves or even the Neko's. No, my gaze was lock on the black panther that was slowly making it's way through the crowd next to some old guy with grey hair. It was Jesse.

I stood as still as possible as the other beasts swarmed around me, forming a circle. They nipped at my skin and roared in my face, but went silent whenever the old guy got to the center of the circle and held up his hand in a 'silence' gesture.

I wondered why all these supernatural beings were here. It couldn't of been of their own free will. That's when I noticed the marks. All of the creatures had the same mark on their foreheads as Jesse did on hers.

"So, I'm guessing you're the one who has been scaring Jesse these past couple nights." I said, narrowing my eyes in slight anger. I was mostly feeling relief though. Relief of finally finding Jesse and that she's ok, more or less.

"Hehehaha!" He gave a scraggly scratchy laugh, causing my ears slight irritation. "That would be correct."

I glanced at Jesse. The mark on her head was brighter than the others, which would mean that it's taking more power to control her. This could be an advantage for me. All witches have a limit to their power. By controlling Jesse he's just using his magic up faster.

"I'm assuming you're the Derek boy? Am I correct?" He asked.

I nodded. How does he know my name? "Have we met?" I asked.

"Oh no no. I have just been keeping tabs on dear old Jess here and, well, you're around her quite frequently." He said.

He's been watching her! Why? Why is she so important!? "What is she to you?" I asked.

"Oh well, you see my young boy, I just so happen to be her great great great grandfather." He said.

My eyes widened and anger wracked my body. What is with Jesse's family. They're messed up. He's using his granddaughter to get power! And Maria thinks Jesse's weak! What's wrong with them.

Seeing my expression, the old man chuckled. "Are you shocked, little boy? I must admit that a hundred years has made me look quite old, but like they say, you're only as old as you feel."

"You're sick!" I spat. "Using your own granddaughter to get power! What's the matter with you? Better yet what's the matter with your family?"

"My family? Oh yes, you must be talking about Maria. Such a failure, she was. I tried to get her to join me and she refused." He said shaking his head like he was disgusted.

"So you went after her daughter!"

"Yes, she's so innocent and easier to manipulate. Such a mistake on Maria's part for shielding her from the outside world."

"You bastard!" I seethed and all the creatures started growling at me.

"It's too bad your opinions don't matter, cause you won't be living much longer." He said calmly. "I bet it would tear Jesse up knowing she killed her lover. Huh, such a tragic story." He said dramatically, putting his hand to his forehead.

My breath caught in my throat and I turned my head to Jesse. The fight in her eyes told me she hasn't surrender to his will yet and that was enough to fill me with hope. I have to protect her. Which means I have to live and keep her alive.

"Jesse, I love you. Do you hear me. Now fight it, you can do this." I confessed.

"Enough! She can't do anything. I'm controlling her! She's mine!" The old guy screeched. "Get him, Jesse, do it now!"



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