Chapter 7

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Spin City 7

Kyla's POV

"So," Ford says, leaning over the counter in front of me, "what's your story?"

I can feel myself cringe as soon as my brain comprehends the words. My story? That's way too complicated and something that honestly shouldn't be discussed. I get more than enough time to talk about it every Tuesday morning with Marissa. When I don't respond, Ford cocks a brow as refills the man's shot beside me.

"So you're one of those girls, huh?"

"What?" I ask.

"The kind who don't like talking about their past."

I cross my arms over my chest and say, "So what's your story, then?"

His eyes shift to the counter and he smiles. I watch him shake his head, running his long fingers through his perfectly tussled hair. God, he's really gorgeous. There's a beauty in his eyes, a slight sadness but a sparkle of life that tells me he's not broken.

"I'm one of those guys," he says, "the kind who don't like talking about their past."

I run my fingertip over a scar in the butcher-block countertop surrounding the bar. Just the thought of looking into his eyes makes my stomach turn with anxiety. It's a lot easier to avoid his eyes, yet somehow, they keep luring me in as if begging me to remove my protective exterior. I decide to divert instead.

"So, you've had a tough past then?" I say.

As much as I don't want to talk about my past, I'm curious about his. I imagine he came from nice parents because of how well he turned out. He's a doctor, after all.

"No. I'm richer than you know," he says.

Well, there it is. I knew he was too good to be true. I guess it was only a matter of time for him to brag about his money and how perfect his life turned out. I'm sure it was hard work and there's no part of me that believes that Ford became a doctor because he was rich, but I still don't think there's any way in hell he would resonate with my past. To be fair, I'm sure I wouldn't be able to relate with him that way either.

"Ah," I say, "humble much?"

I finally look into his eyes. His plump lips part and I see the hint of a smile in his eyes. Pretty soon, he's grinning at me, perfect teeth showing. I feel my pulse quicken and I glance over to Moody in order to calm down. Ford makes me nervous and jittery. I can't seem to focus when he's around.

"That's not what I meant, Kyla. I actually meant, really just the opposite."

I'm confused but I sit there listening to him as he picks at the frayed end of a dishtowel.

"I don't know," he says. "I guess what I mean is that, despite all the bad stuff, the really messed up shit this world delves out so ruthlessly and unapologetically, I'm rich."

His eyes flick up to meet mine and I feel a knot forming in my throat. I'm not sure exactly what he's even talking about but I can feel in the air that our conversation has just crossed a line, passing small talk. This in turn means that we're no longer just simple acquaintances and for some reason, that scares me very much.

"I don't need much, really. I didn't become a doctor for the money or the benefits. Sure, it doesn't hurt but I wouldn't do it if I couldn't help people. The fact that I can makes me lucky. I want to live a simple life, put other's first, you know? I don't need nice things."

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