23. I don't know what I've done to deserve this blessing.💍

Start from the beginning

I fixed my gaze on one woman, the only love of my life now,Anniella. I couldn't really see much of her in the darkness. I cleared my throat bracing myself, "In these past years, I never believed I'd find a love like this in a woman, I thought love was never meant for me but this special lady has shown me love is not for lucky fellows, it's for all. Her simplest actions got me love struck, who's smiles, beautiful brown eyes and skin, who's modesty and simplicity, kindness and caring nature got me thinking if God really moulded a woman blessing her with all these qualities, I always thank God for sending this special angel into my life. I'm not sure of tomorrow or what's going to happen in the next minutes but I'm sure about one thing, I love you. I know I've asked you to be my girlfriend but on this day and forever" I made my way cautiously to where Ann is seated, spotlight was thrown on her, "I want to ask you one thing, will you give me the joy of being the love of my life, Anniella Naana Morrison?" I got on a knee taking out a box of promise ring I sent El to buy and asked Ann who sat there completely stunned, the lights came on so I could see her face and read it's expression.

I can feel people holding their breath waiting for Ann's answer, whatever her answer will be is going to be massive by tomorrow, imagine the headlines if she's to reject the offer of one of the most eligible sought out for bachelors in New York. I suddenly became more nervous at Ann's quietness, Please please don't disappoint me Ann.

Ann helped me off the floor, pulling me into a hug, "Yes! Andre Caleb Archambeau, I'll be the love of your life!"

I immediately brought my lips on hers, kissing her passionately, tonight Ann has made me more happier by accepting me in front of everyone. The crowed cheered and the females who love romance 'awwwwed' saying 'how cute!', 'I want a man like him' and stuffs. Sorry ladies, men like me are only one in this earth and guess what I've already been taken. I wasn't even aware people had their phones in hand making a video of what was happening and pictures till I heard 'click' 'click' from the crowd. I slid the ring on her finger and kissed her one more time, I gave her the second box of ring for me and she also slide the ring on my hand blushing, El stood there taking pictures and making videos of us.

"I found a love for me
Darling just dive right in
And follow my lead
Well I found a girl beautiful and sweet
I never knew you were the someone waiting for me." I sang into the microphone, looking over at Ann who took it from me.

"Cause we were just kids when we fell in love
Not knowing what it was
I will not give you up this time
But darling, just kiss me slow, your heart is all I own
And in your eyes you're holding mine
Baby, I'm dancing in the dark with you between my arms
Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song"  I stared at Ann in awe, not only is she beautiful and intelligent, she also has a melodious voice, the kinda voice that sets your skin on goosebumps. I'm loving her more, Thank you so much Lord for this beautiful blessing.

I stood staring at her, lost in her sweet voice and beauty, I wasn't even aware she had finished singing the song and the crowd was cheering her on.

I gathered her in my arms,kissing her forehead, "Love, I'm never going to forget this night, thank you so much for making me the happiest man."

"Baby boo, thank you so much for this beautiful surprise, you really knocked me off my feet."

"It's worth it babe, you're worth it, everything is worth it with you. Can I have a dance from the love of my life?" I held out my hand to her.

"Yes you can babe." She took my hand I hers. I led us to the dance floor, dancing to Perfect which was playing.

I leaned in whispering into her ear, "I didn't know you could sing that perfect, you really wowed the crowd babe, I deserve a song from you before I sleep tonight."

"Quelque chose pour toi mon amour." Ann whispered into my ears and winked at me. This girl is surely going to need El to pull her out of my arms tonight, she's awakening things I've kept hidden now.

"What have I told you about you speaking French?"

"I don't remember, can you remind me please boo boo." Ann pouted before breaking into a smile.

"Later babe."  I pulled her closer to me, slowing down our  dancing pace. Some ladies came nearer to us requesting to take pictures of us, Ann wanted to say no but changed her mind when she saw how excited they will be if they're to get a picture of us.

We struck different poses for them, they took as many pictures as they could. Once again I stared at Ann, this lady is full of surprises, I was once in the modeling industry, I can tell people who're naturally models and this pretty queen right in front of me is one. Her poses aren't that of amateurs, she poses like a real model in a photo shoot session.

Lord God above, I don't know what I've done to deserve this great blessing, Father, thank you so much for the millionth time. I'll never get tired of expressing my gratitude for giving me Ann.

We resumed our dance, laughing and swaying our bodies to the beat of the diverse music that were played. I caught Ann admiring the heart diamond encrusted ring I gave her. The night wore on with Ann in my arms, I can't get enough of her.

This is officially one of my favorite chapters, gosh Drey is sooo romantic😩❤️.

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