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                       Will I Ever Be Loved?

Those words echoed in his head. A deep sigh left his lips as he stared at himself through the fogged mirror. He looked at the familiar dark brown eyes.

His date just ditched him for the second time. He understood that he was busy but enough was enough so he cut him off.

"Is it my face? Am i ugly?" Jimin whispered lowly to himself as he stared sadly at his reflection. Guys ditching him wasn't all new, actually he was pretty much used to it by now.

"Listen here jimin you are worth more than those ugly rats. Why? Because you a bad bitch, that's why. And if nobody can see that they need to get their eyes check!" Jimin praised himself as he flipped his pink locks back like the queen he is

"Like who can resist this ass?" He slapped his ass like the bad bitch he is

Before he could say anymore he was interrupted by a harsh knock "Can you hurry the fuck up! This diarrhea can hold itself, you know!"

Jimin quickly scrabbled all over the bathroom to put his clothes on "im coming out, please for god sake don't stain the carpets!"

As soon as he turn the knob a force push the door open knocking jimin to the side slightly, he could hear the belt unbuckling. That was the cue to leave as fast as he can, there was no way in hell he would stay in this place if he had to listen to the nasty

"I'm heading out jinnie hyung, if you need anything please don't call me call yoonie hyung" he yelled through the door and out he went.


"I hate this place with a burning passion. I hope everyone here can go to hell and slowly burn to death for life." His co-worker looked terrified at yoongi as if he wasn't really joking

"Hyung don't say that! You're already scary to the children there's no need to scare the adults" jimin scolded him as he continued to slurp his spicy ramen loudly.

"Didn't anybody teach you not to talk when your mouths full? And i don't give a damn" yoongi says as he copies jimins actions

Jimin glared at yoongi but still apologized. "Anyways, what are you doing here?" Yoongi looked at jimin as he gave some ramen to him.

"Can't your cuddle baby buddy hang out with you? Like hyung i have every right to come here and visit my favorite hyung in the world when i want to-"

"You come here every time im on break and making me pay for you food." Yoongi says

Jimin sweats nervously as he looked away and continued slurping his noodles "these noodles are sure spicy today hyung" he laughed nervously like a boy that was caught stealing a gum from his mother

Yoongi sighs his lips formed a small smile as he patted jimins hair "its alright, you owe me exactly $442.30 for the ramen i been paying for the past two years"

"H-huh?, Ramen can't be that expensive!" Jimin widens his eyes as his head spun so fast towards yoongi he was in shock.

And there it was the rarest moment happened yoongi laughing. Jimin pouted angrily but seconds later he laughed along with him.

"Oh by the way jin hyung has diarrhea right now" he smiled innocently before leaving as he as he can

"That little shit-"

"Yoongi your break is over! Come help me. Another child is lost again!" His co-worker yelled for him

Yoongi sighed and smiled a bit as he cleaned up his and jimin's mess and muting jin for the rest of the day.

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