Donnie nodded in response as he pressed a button on his communicator and suddenly, a drill came out from the ground, making the rest stare in shock, while some were in awe.

Mikey went over it and hugged it with his sparkling eyes.

"It's beautiful!" he gasped. The other just grinned while Eli placed her hand on her hips, smirking at how silly her older brother was. Only Donnie didn't.

"No, no, no, not that." Donnie denied it, shaking his hands in disagreement.

"What do you mean not that ?" Leo puzzled. "That should totally be the thing."

"This is just a little. It's in beta. Don't worry about it." Donnie explained to the group and waved off the drill. "The real thing is much more personal and thoughtful and I really hope you like it." he paused.

"And?" Eli added.

"And...If you don't, I will JUST be crushed!" Donnie finished.

His brothers and sister just gave him a surprised look.

"Donnie, just show it to us. I'm sure we'll all love it!" Raph encouraged the soft-shell turtle.

"Yeah, no matter how bad it could take. We're still gonna love them!" Eli joined in with a nervous smile.

"Alright, here goes." Donnie followed her by pressing a button on his communicator.

"Okay, so we're just moving past the drill?" Leo questioned as the drill spun around and threw the young box turtle off. It then opened up to reveal a suit, a collar, a helmet, and a pair of gloves.

"You even got my life colors right!" Mikey exclaimed, looking at the suit with his sparkling eyes. A broad name note 'Michelangelo' was next to the suit with beautiful handwriting.

"So, I guess mine is the gloves one? Nice." Eli said, picking up the black with a hint of seafoam gloves. It also had a board name next to it, which notes 'Elizabeth'.

"Wow! I don't know what this is, but this has got a lot of blinkity-bling!" Leo looked at the collar and chuckled to himself. 'Leonardo' was the name that the board name was written.

"Whoa! Jazzy headgear!" Raph said, looking at a red helmet that had a glass vizor, along with his name 'Raphael' placed next to the helmet.

They tried on their gifts and did a cool pose with them.

"Oh, I'm so glad you like 'em!" Donnie said delightedly before he typed something on his communicator. "Now let me show you how they work."

Then, a strange screech happened, which got their attention.

"What was that?" Raph cried out. The others ran toward the alley as Mikey stopped from ahead and read at the sign above his head.

"Chateau Prétenche?....I think I've heard of this place!" Mikey muttered to himself before Donnie dragged the young turtle with him.

The five peeked around the corner as they all kept their eyes on the strange mutant under the green light, who sneaked around with a bag in his hand.

"It looks soo pink!" Eli exclaimed, not too loud for the mutant to hear.

"Of course it was pink. 'Cause, it was clearly a pig!" Donnie whispered out loud, staring at his sister.

"Can we just talk about this later?" Leo shushed the two. He looked at the creature and wondered to himself "Hm, what's his deal anyway?"

The pig mutant grabbed a silverfish by its tail and stuffed it into his bag.

"You know what, that guy looks like the 'Meat Sweats'!" Raph commented as the others laughed, except Donnie. Eli looked back at him and elbowed the purple bandanna turtle.

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕤𝕥 ℍ𝕒𝕞𝕒𝕥𝕠 | 𝚊 𝚁𝙾𝚃𝚃𝙼𝙽𝚃 𝚏𝚊𝚗𝚏𝚒𝚌 |Where stories live. Discover now