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XuanLu POV

That day instead of one person funeral, we hold a funeral for two.
Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan's funeral.

Their death shocked many people. A lot of reporters tried to get photos from Yibo and Zhan funeral. They camped outside the building. Doing live stream, trying to get interviews from anyone attending the funeral and even tried to sneak inside.

We're lucky Yibo and Zhan fans helped us. They make a human barricade outside the building, preventing the reporters sneaking inside.
They said they wanted to give Zhan and Yibo's peaceful funeral, without cameras.
They're crying together.
It's heartbreaking to see these young fans actually, but we feel grateful to them.

My husband and I volunteer to held their funeral. They don't have any family. My husband and I always consider those two as my brothers. We star in the same drama and we got close.

I remember when I got the call, saying Yibo had passed away. I drop my phone when I heard that.

His manager found Yibo's body when he came to their apartment to deliver Yibo's his food. At first, he thinks Yibo just sleeping until he saw Yibo's note.

He left a voice note, for Zhan. And notes for us.

Yibo's body still warm when his manager found him. He is smiling and look peaceful hugging Zhan's pillow.

I look at their funeral photo, or should I say wedding photo? We decided to use their photos from the fitting because they look happy.
Their smile is so blinding, they look perfect.

Yibo knew everything from the start. Dr.Zhang help Yibo explain why he did all of that.

I can't hold back my tears hearing Dr.Zhang story. How painful it is for Yibo. Hiding everything and pretending everything is alright.

I wonder what Zhan gonna do if he knew.

Those two stupid people. I sigh, wipe my tears.

All of us can't say anything.
What we can do is mourning for them.
We all know how much Zhan and Yibo love each other. So we understand.
We just feels sad.

We all know how heartbroken Yibo is when Zhan's passed away.
Yibo didn't do anything after we brought him back from the hospital.
He just staring at faraway. He even stopped crying. He's not responding to whatever we say or do.
Not talking. He just stay silent, he looks dead.
He gives slight responses when we ask about Zhan funeral.

Wang Yibo choose to end his life.
I don't know if I could say that's the right thing to do or not.
But all of us knew, he can't life without Zhan. So we tried to understand, if we somehow forced Yibo to stay alive how painful that is for him. Living without his Zhan-ge.

They only have each other.

I stare at their photo.

Zhan, Yibo.
Did you two met already?
Are you happy now? I try to smile.

Don't get angry at Yibo, Zhan.
You know he can't live without you. And you should apologize to him for lying and hurting him.
Don't fight, alright?
There's none gonna scold you two if you fight, Shijie can't go to where you're now.

Shijie here will always pray for both of you.
Please you two, always be happy. And I pray there won't be anything that could separate you two anymore.

One day, if we met again.
Please tell me. About your lovely love story.
Shijie want to know.

Till weet again boys.

I stand up.
Put a red rose for Zhan and a green one for Yibo.
It's their favorite color.
And I whisper,

Goodbye Zhan, Goodbye Yibo.
Be happy!
I love you two,


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