(01) - Wang Yibo -

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Xiao Zhan POV

His name is Wang Yibo.

A boy 6 years younger than me.
A boy with an evil gremlins smile but somewhat warm and a kind heart.
A boy that managed to make me fall in love in the first sight.

My first and last love.


The First time we met is 6 years ago.
When we both cast as double male lead in a drama. We both get close because we spent so much time together.

How people usually describe 'Wang Yibo'?
First, Handsome! Yeah, everyone that knew his name will definitely say he's handsome.

Second, Talented. With the amount of abundant talent he has, he's the real definition of multi talented. Dancing, Acting, Hosting, Rapping, Singing, Motorcycle racing and many more. He can do it all flawlessly.

The only thing he can't do is cooking. Last time I ask him to cut the vegetables for our dinner, 30 minutes later our kitchen ends up as a vegetable garden, there's a piece of vegetable everywhere. I don't know how he managed to almost covering every corner with veggies cuts.

Third, Cold.
People always see him as a cold man. He rarely showing emotion, with his pokerface and his straight forward speaking style, people always quick to judge, he's cold.

But No! I have different view on this. He's the warmest boy I know. He's kind, attentive, and affectionate.
He notice every little thing happen around us, and actually feel burdened and sometimes hurt by it but he choose to swallow everything and not saying anything. Pretend everything is alright.

We started living together 6 months after we finished shooting our drama.

We have a lot in common.
We both likes tea.
We both loves sad and bitter love songs.
We both loves rainy days.
We both loves star gazing.
We both loves acting,singing and a lot more.

Ah, and we both an orphan.
That's the biggest reason why we decided to lived together.

He always said he likes me, and of course, I like him too. No, Scratch that, I love him.

But sadly, This few years living together, I can only stand in the sideline, watching him, changing lover a few times already.

My friend always asks me, why I never confess my feeling? Whenever they ask, the only thing I do is smile and shake my head.

Love and Prison is the same thing, once you get inside it's almost impossible to get out.

As for me, I fell so damn hard for Yibo so it's impossible for me to fall for someone else.

But unfortunately..
I couldn't tell Yibo, that I love him. Couldn't and never will.

As for the reason?
I have cancer cells that ready to strike and kills me anytime.



"I'm here" I said putting the bread in Yibo's plate.

"Did you see my white button up? The one you bought for my birthday last year?" His head peeking from his room.

"I put it inside your closet Yibo. Look for it"

"I did. But I couldn't find it. Could you help me look for it?"

This kid!
I rolled my eyes. He should pay me for helping him every morning, note that, EVERY MORNING, to help him find his clothes,his socks even his underwear. I don't understand why he always asking me to find his things.

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