(08) - Truth -

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Wang Yibo POV

It's started with a mere coincidence and pure boredom.

That day I have a schedule until midnight but the second event got canceled because of some technical issues.

I got home early hoping to spend the rest of the day with Zhan-ge.

I got disappointed when I found the house is empty. Well he did say he need to meet with some director or some people today.

I hope his work ends soon so we can eat dinner together.

I watch TV but soon get bored by it.

By a goodwill I decided to helped Zhan-ge cleaning his room.

Don't get me wrong, I really just want to help him clean up his room not to snoop around his room looking for something interesting.

I open his room and disappointed when I see the room is clean. But Zhan-ge left one of his coat on his bed.

Aha! Gotcha. Zhan-ge always get mad at me when I left my things around the room, not putting it back in their place. Now I can get a revenge. I caught him red handed leaving his things around.

I pick it up when a small bottle rolled out from his coat.

'What is this?'

Ah. Must be his another type of vitamin. Zhan-ge always take care of himself. He bought many kinds of eye drops, traditional medicine and a bunch of different kind of vitamin. Sometimes I wonder how could he managed to remember all of them.

'I never saw a vitamin like this? There's no label in the bottle'

I take one out. Let's try this. Who knows if this some of those expensive,rare vitamin that work wonder. Who know it'll make me taller.

Deep inside my heart, it's always make me feel bitter whenever I remember Zhan-ge is taller than me. Maybe if I was taller he'll accept my love.

I try to chewing it but hell! This is so damn bitter. I almost spit it out. I run outside to get some juice to get rid of the bitterness.

'Why Zhan-ge always like something bitter. Like those herbal drink he always drinks' I shudder at the memory.  He force me to drink one of those when I got sick, and I swear I'll take care of myself so I won't drink that thing again.

After one minute for some reason my vision started to spin, everything looks blurry. I shake my head trying to clear my vision.

I started to feel light headed too and I can't stand straight. I feel like I'm gonna fainted any second.
So I decided to call my manager, ask him to bring me to nearby hospital.


"Did you drink some kind of medicine?" The doctor ask.

"Umm.. yeah. I took some vitamin" I frown trying to focus my sight onto the old doctor.

"What kind?"

"Here" unconsciously I put Zhan-ge vitamin bottle into my pants pocket.

The doctor took one out and looks surprised.

"Where'd you get these pills?" He ask.

"They're my brother's pills" I shake my head trying to get rid of the woozy feeling.

"Since when did your brother start taking this pills?"


"He must've been in constant severe pain to take these pills"

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