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If you run too fast, there's a good chance that you'll trip over. Or you'll crash, which was what happened to me. There was a small living room with a massive glazed balcony at the back of the house that was empty except for some chairs and a table: when I discovered the room, I couldn't help thinking that some orchids in pots scattered around would look beautiful, turning that place into a small greenhouse overlooking the back garden and swimming pool.

When I have something in my head, I mulling over it nonstop and finally, I decided to call a landscaping company on the outskirts of the city in order to ask if they had orchids; they had them in several colours and I just needed to go there and pick out my favourites. I'd promised the greenhouse guy to be there that evening and hated the thought of leaving him hanging so, despite the road was narrow and twisty, I stepped on the gas. Well, not that much. I'm a really cautious driver usually but I was driving fast enough to skip on a curve and slide over an embankment on one side of the road. The air bag went off and the blow stunned me for a few minutes till my head got clear and let me analyse the situation: I realized I wasn't' hurt, fortunately.

My first impulse was to jump out of the car but a big ass rock was blocking my door. The second impulse was to get rid of the seatbelt in order to reach the passenger's door but it was stuck so I decided to follow my third impulse: I extended my arms as far as I could, took the phone inside my bag and started to dial the emergency number. I was about pushing the key when I realized: if I called an ambulance, they'd take me to the hospital, doctors would check me out, they'd report the accident to police and the insurance company, they'd ask me questions... the usual stuff in such cases. I wouldn't mind to go through all that procedure under normal circumstances but I had to consider my new bosses situation: if they came to visit me to the hospital or if the insurance guy wanted to talk to them, they'd be very exposed to human contact, it'd be terribly awkward for them and they should erase a lot of memories. I thought better of it and dialled a different number, the only person I knew that would answer my call, the only person in that house that was an enthusiast for modern technology.

"Iselen, what's wrong?" she asked surprised but not especially anxious.

"Ruby, I've had a little accident..."

"What? Are you okay?" She cut me off abruptly and I heard the noise of chairs being dragged on the other side of the line.

"I'm okay, don't worry, I feel a bit dizzy. Listen, I went off the road and I'm stuck in a small embankment. I don't want to call the emergency service to be discreet since you're the owners of the car and it'd be awkward..."

"Where are you?" Terra's harsh tone of voice made me flinch... the vampire sounded like she was mad at me. I should've known that she'd be with Ruby and would hear the phone ringing. I answered reluctantly thinking that it would've been better for me if I'd call an ambulance.

"The greenhouse business card is pinned to the fridge door with a magnet. The address is noted down, I was almost there and but skidded in a sharp turn..."

"Yeah, I see you." I think I had a mini heart attack when I heard Terra's knuckles on my car window. I let the phone drop on my lap due to my surprise and stared at her with my mouth wide open in shock, how did she get there so fast? Damned vampires, they were going to kill me of terror somehow. I felt dizzy again...

"If you don't kill yourself before," she answered my thought while kicking away the rock I couldn't move.

"Could you please stop doing that? It's an invasion of my privacy." I growled angrily but a noise to my right startled me: Ruby was opening the passenger's door.

"It's not her fault, you were screaming your thoughts at the top of your lungs."

Terra got rid of my door lifting it off while Ruby pulled the seatbelt out of its anchoring and grabbed my bag and phone quickly. Before I could even move to get out of the car, I felt Terra's strong arms under my legs and around my waist... she lifted me like I weighed less that a feather, holding me tight against her chest and started walking towards the road ignoring my complains. I felt safe in her arms, she walked steadily and was holding me safely, I knew she wouldn't trip over. I leaned my forehead on her neck wearily and got relaxed till we arrived to the edge of the road, I hadn't realized how tense I was till that moment... the accident had affected me more than I thought. Ruby was walking next to us and, when I raised my head to look at her, I realized it was getting dark. I wouldn't be able to get my orchids that day.

The Housekeeper (Ruby Rose/Terra Juana fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now