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"It's hot," I whispered fanning myself with the magazine I was reading while Ruby collected the leftovers of our breakfast to put them back in the basket that Antonella had made for us that morning.

It was pretty early when Marcus and Dario kicked us out of the house, literally, because they were planning "a little party." That's how they called it making my stomach turn in response and my vampires stared at me out of the corner of their eyes, concerned when they noticed my anxiety. By then, I knew my father-in-law and his lover enough to know that they didn't like little and simple things, even if they both had an exquisite taste, so I pictured a big ass party in my mind with lot of guests, most of them bloodsuckers although Marcus promised me that some humans who knew their secret would attend too.

Instinctively, I was aware that most vampires wouldn't be as nice to me as Dominique and Marian had been but conceited idiots like Giulio or stupid jerks like those two orderlies we met when we left the hospital. In fact, I thought it was logical since they were a strong species, with amazing powers, living hundreds of years... How could they not feel superior compared to weak humans? Haughtiness was one of their characteristics and even Ruby and Terra were a little cocky in their own special way, never with me tho. But those elders who were members of that non-official Vampire Council they all insisted it didn't exist even if they were always monitoring that rules were followed... those vampires weren't obligated to be kind to me and I was just another human, an easy prey who was unable to hide her thoughts. Luckily, Terra promised me that she'd wrap my mind with a veil so they wouldn't hear me insulting them in my brain and she managed to calm me down a little.

"You're right, the hottest day of spring and Marcus has kicked us out of the house, damn it... We'll get roasted like chickens." The beautiful blue-eyed vampire complained putting her cigarette out and fixing her shades. Both vampires wore hoodies to protect their sensitive skin from the rays of sun even if some clouds covered it from time to time and they sighed relieved. "Where are Vera and Aren?"

"Vera doesn't care about the weather and wanted to work out, they went for a run through the pine forest and our brother said something about swimming in the pond that's behind the house." Ruby answered leaning forward to take the glass I used to drink my orange juice in order to put it back in the basket too and I couldn't help tilting my head to steal a kiss from her. I regretted it immediately, pulling away abruptly while grimacing and she licked her lips, opening her eyes wide, worried suddenly. "I'm sorry, babe, I've just drank the last sip of blood from my glass. I'm sorry you had to taste it..."

"No, it's okay, it was my fault... I'm sorry, Ruby." The stunning green-eyed girl nodded while I smiled trying to play it cool, those kinds of incidents would be common from then on and I refused to turn every small mistake into a big drama. I needed to learn how to live with two vampires while I was human and begin to consider how my conversion would be: on one hand, I couldn't wait to do it, binding to them for the eternity definitely; on the other hand, I was afraid of leaving my family behind. And in addition to that, I didn't know what to expect: according to Marcus, every person was different and there was no way to know in advance how immortality would affect me or what powers I'd have. Fear of the unknown is always a problem for humans. My anxiety skyrocketed due to uncertainty and my girls noticed it through the bond but didn't know what to do to help me.

"Swimming seems like a good idea." Terra's words brought me back to reality and I frowned, confused, which was what she wanted, probably, because the vampire hated when I was lost in my thought and she noticed that something was bothering me. "Let's go..."

"What? Are you crazy?" I asked while she took advantage of the sun hiding behind a cloud to take her hoodie and jeans off. "Terra!" I whispered shocked when I realized that she was getting rid of her underwear too, I mean, her body was perfect and the soft tattooed skin made my mouth water but it wasn't the right place to get undressed. "People are running on the beach or walking their dogs, you can't do that..."

The Housekeeper (Ruby Rose/Terra Juana fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz