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Turning around on the couch, I watched Aren's sisters while they walked in the living room. The one who spoke was the girl with the greenish eyes who was wearing biker boots, skinny jeans and a plain black T-shirt that day but looked like she was just coming from a fashion show. She moved closer and sat down on the other side of the couch, to my left, smiling while fixing her eyes on my face and my breathing quickened. Shit! What's with this woman that has such a strong effect in me? The other sister remained close to the door, leaned on the doorframe, I had to turn my head to my left slightly in order to see her. She was wearing black jeans, plaid shirt, black sneakers and sunglasses even if we were inside the house... She lighted a cigarette and played with the lighter in her hand not paying attention to me.

"I told her about the job and she thinks it's an interesting proposition," Aren answered to her sister before turning to look at me. "Well, Iselen, what do you think? Do you accept?" I forced myself to avert my eyes from the two seductive women to fix them on their brother's face, biting my lower lip while thinking... It seemed too much money to me and I felt that there was something fishy going on in the situation.

"What's the trick?" I mumbled to myself but apparently it was loud enough for them to hear me, even the sister who was still near the door burst into laughing.

"She's smart, I don't like her but she's smart." She winked at me brazenly and I couldn't help blinking dazzled.

"You don't like anyone," The beautiful woman who was sat next to me let out acidly. "Come on, Aren, tell her..."

"All right. Listen, Iselen, we're... vampires." He said it like it was nothing. Vampires... that was the problem: that people was raving mad. I stared at the guy calmly raising an eyebrow not knowing what to answer to his great revelation. I didn't feel like being the housekeeper of a mental hospital, honestly. "We aren't crazy. I don't need to read your mind to know what you're thinking, your face shows it perfectly."

Reading my mind? He was looking at me with such a certainty that it was pretty obvious he believed what he was saying. Oh my God, what if I'd landed in a house full of crazy psychos? I scratched my nape biting my lip, searching in my mind the right words to tell him I wasn't accepting their proposition before running out of that manor and telling my boss that he mustn't let our best customer to step on the shop again.

"Aren ehmmm..." I hesitated, grimacing awkwardly.

"You want proofs? I can give them to you. Look..." Two sharp canines appeared out of the blue in his mouth and his eyes turned to a reddish shade that merged with the blue on the edge of the iris creating a bright violet ring. The final effect was gorgeous, no doubt...

"That's a nice trick but..." The girl burst into laughing by the door and extinguished the cigarette on the ashtray that was on a side table near her while gasping for air before laughing again.

"She doesn't believe a word and thinks your fangs are fake, Aren."

"Is that what you think?" The guy stared at me so outraged that it was almost hilarious but before I could apologize kindly someone talked to my right.

"Of course she thinks that." I stared at the beautiful blue-eyed girl in shock because she was near the door less than 5 seconds before. How did she manage to walk across the living room so fast and flop down on the armchair that was on the other side of the couch? They weren't telling the truth, it was impossible... No...

"It's my turn then, look Iselen..." The girl with greenish eyes got up from the couch and remained still near me, smiling while my heart skipped a beat... Suddenly, she was nowhere to be seen. I blinked shocked, looking around not knowing where she could be hidden till I heard her laughing above my head: she was sitting on the crystal lamp moving back and forth casually like it was a swing. She jumped with the graceful movements of a cat and landed impeccably next to me again, she didn't even need to bend her knees due to the impact, and then she flopped down on the couch. All her movements were elegant and nimble like they didn't take any effort.

The Housekeeper (Ruby Rose/Terra Juana fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora