Chapter 28

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After your sobbing had died down and you'd started on the coffee Susan brought for you, Doctor Weadon came over to you both. He looked as though he could blend in with the walls, all grey suit and silver hair in the fluorescent glow of the lights. But you stare up at him as though he brings the news of life or death and you're pretty confident about that theory.
"How-? I mean- Is he-?" You couldn't bring yourself to say it but the word was defiantly there. The professor shook his head, his eyes locked on yours, "He's in pretty bad shape but no, he's not dead." You sigh in relief, the emotion itself washing over you like a wave, but there's still that one question. You're almost too scared to ask it, "What happened?" He looks at his shoes, then at you, his lips pursed then you hear Susan's voice. You feel your knees tremble.
"We, Jeff and I heard an argument in an office and decided to check it out, then as we got closer we recognised the sounds of a brawl. By the time we reached the corridor, the attacker was out the door, almost knocking us down in the process. By the time we got to the office Tom was unconscious and bleeding on the floor." You gasp, covering your mouth in horror.
"The doctors say it wasn't a deep cut, thank God but he got a good knock to the head." Professor Weadon adds.
"He'll be fine though, won't he?" You ask no longer hiding your concern.
"He'll need at least a weeks worth of rest but other than that, he should be fine." He adds. You sigh in relief, hoping that it will help stop from shaking. It does.
"For a student you seem to care a lot for your professor." This time it was Susan who spoke. You were about to answer when the professor interrupted, his voice lowered to nearly s whisper, "Susan dear, don't you recognise the signs of a secret relationship between teacher and student?" The lightness of his voice made you shiver but it was truth he spike that made your blood run cold. Susan's fond smile only made that worse, and confusing, "Of course," she smiles, her voice also a whisper, "I recognise them from our secret relationship." Her smile widens and you look from the professor to his partner in utter disbelief. A secret relationship?

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