Chapter 12

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The next morning is a Saturday and neither you or Tom have any classes so you can spend the day relaxing. You'd woken up that morning with Tom gone from your bed but a wonderful smell greeted you from downstairs. You wandered down, smoothing your hair as you went, a yawn escaping your lips as you walked into the kitchen. Tom was still dressed in the shirt he wore to bed but had changed back into his trousers from the night before.
"Good morning." He greets cheerfully as you make your way to the kitchen bench.
"Morning." You yawn, "what's for breakfast?"
"Omelettes and some complimentary orange juice." He announces proudly.
"Smells good." You reply, Tom just smiles but it's a weak smile. "So about last night." he starts, you feel your heart slam against your chest, "Yeah?" You ask cautiously as he flips the omelette. "I had a fantastic time, but-" Uh oh here it comes, "to me it feels like we're going a bit too fast. I mean, we've only known each other for a month and a half but we really just started dating last night." He says. Now what he's saying is true and it makes sense but it's still a little surprising and stings a little, "So what you're saying is?" You ask.
"If we get caught, we're done for. I'll most likely get fired and you'd get a bad name from your peers. What I'm saying is that we should take this slowly, one step at a time. Treat it like the secret it is." You nod, taking in his words, he's right of course but you don't want to do this right now. "What are you suggesting we do then? Meet up at the university every night and go from there?" You ask as you spear a piece of omelette with your fork.
"Actually, yes. Most professors leave by six so you can come around then and if anyone sees us together we can say that I'm helping you with your work."
You look down at your plate suddenly not hungry.
"So I'll just be a needy student then, is that it?" You snap suddenly.
"What? No! Of course not! I wasn't saying that. Look students and teachers can maintain friendships outside of school-"
"You just can't get romantically involved with a student I know!" You snap, cutting him off.
"We could always pretend to be just friends?" He suggests.

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