Chapter 26

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The movie was of course, cheesy and you were too busy thinking about Tom that you barely paid any attention to the movie. You knew the outcome anyway, they guy would get the girl, they'd declare their never ending love for one another and they'd end up happily ever after. Unfortunately, that isn't how real life works. Things get messed up, secret relationships come out, someone loses their job and both end up getting hurt. Do they get a happily ever after with each other? Bot likely. So how much was your relationship with Tom worth to you? You thought about it for the billionth time since he'd left and you knew one thing for sure. You were not prepared to give him up that easily. After all, although your relationship was secret, you had been dating and getting to know each other. You missed him like crazy when he wasn't there. Was that love? Surely it was. The way he made you feel with so much as a glance or a brush of the fingers was like being noticed and touched by an angel. Kissing him was like a drug, you couldn't get enough of him. Yes, you were fairly sure you loved him. You grinned at this, it taken you long enough to figure this out! Immediately, you grabbed your phone and called him. You were grinning and trying desperately not to giggle in glee whilst the phone rang. But he didn't pick up. You tried again, this time calling his mobile and letting it ring all the way through. You thought he'd picked up but that was just the voice mail. Fear washed over you as you called his office at the university. Someone picked up after the first ring but it wasn't Tom. It was a woman.
"Hello? This is Susan Meyers." She greets in a business like voice, there are noises in the background but you can't quite make them out.
"My name is Y/N Y/L/N. is Professor Hiddleston there?" You ask, trying to keep the worry out of your voice.
"He's um," you hear her cover the mouthpiece and muffled murmurings. You catch the words "hospital" and "lack of-". Lack of what? The woman, Susan uncovers the mouthpiece and you hear her voice on the line, "Professor Hiddleston is on his way to hospital." Dread hits you like a punch to the stomach, "Why?"

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